
Enrol early and save up to 40% on your annual tuition fee!

With the financial crisis in mind, LINK group has founded Savremena Gimnazija with the goal of providing future generations with the opportunity to attend the school of their choice at a lower cost. We have thus widened the circle of those who can afford to go to a school which offers both high academic standards and a modern take on education so that now, not only does it include the privileged few but also anyone who can set aside a minimal amount for their education.



This package includes Serbian-mediated lessons that follow the National curriculum as well as additional English-mediated lessons following the Cambridge curriculum. Click here to find out more about the Combined Programme.

  • Use of laptop during lessons
  • Using tablets throughout their schooling
  • A set of textbooks, notebooks, pencils and other materials with the school’s emblem
  • A school uniform with the school’s emblem
  • PE clothes (shorts, a t-shirt, a tracksuit) with the school’s emblem
  • Two remedial lessons per week
  • Two extended lessons per week
  • Tutorials, mentoring and consultations for each subject
  • Participation in various school clubs
  • Participation in various competitions including sports competitions
  • Student and parent access to the electronic school diary
  • Access to the lesson materials online
  • Access to the online learning platform
  • A free English diagnostic test
  • Access to the Cambridge website for students
  • English-mediated lessons in four subjects following the Cambridge bilingual curriculum
  • Access to the content of our educational service OK mathematics
  • Access to the LINKeduTV learning platform
  • Up to 10 trips around Belgrade visiting companies, cultural and other types of events and spending time outdoors
  • Use of the school restaurant or the learning centre in between or after lessons
  • Guidance counseling for universities in Serbia and preparatory courses for entrance exams
Only until March 31
from €474
from €5,686







The students who would like to receive additional benefits can opt for the STANDARD PLUS PACKAGE which, along with the services available in the STANDARD PACKAGE, offers a number of additional benefits:

  • All the services available in the STANDARD PACKAGE and
  • Internships at local companies in Belgrade
  • Additional online training in either IT or business in the form of seminars, courses and training sessions organised by our school
  • Seminars hosted by the LINK Centre for Career Development
  • ECDL skill card
  • One Cambridge First and Cambridge Advanced examination entry
  • One CORE ECDL certification examination per module
  • One Internationally-recognised Microsoft and Adobe certification examination
  • One Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification examination
Only until March 31
from €543
from €6,514






This programme is intended for students who wish to follow the National curriculum for general secondary education.

  • Use of laptop during lessons
  • Using tablets throughout their schooling
  • A set of textbooks, notebooks, pencils and other materials with the school’s emblem
  • A school uniform with the school’s emblem
  • PE clothes (shorts, a t-shirt, a tracksuit) with the school’s emblem
  • Two remedial lessons per week
  • Two extended lessons per week
  • Tutorials, mentoring and consultations for each subject
  • Participation in various school clubs
  • Participation in various competitions including sports competitions
  • Student and parent access to the electronic school diary
  • Access to the lesson materials online
  • Access to the online learning platform
  • Access to the content of our educational service OK mathematics
  • Access to the LINKeduTV learning platform
  • Up to 10 trips around Belgrade visiting companies, cultural and other types of events and spending time outdoors
  • Use of the school restaurant or the learning centre in between or after lessons
  • Guidance counseling for universities in Serbia and preparatory courses for entrance exams
Only until March 31
from €388
from €4,6527







The students who would like to receive additional benefits can opt for the BASIC PLUS PACKAGE which, along with the services available in the BASIC PACKAGE, offers a number of additional benefits:

  • All the services available in the BASIC PACKAGE and
  • Internships at local companies in Belgrade
  • Additional online training in either IT or business in the form of seminars, courses and training sessions organised by our school
  • Seminars hosted by the LINK Centre for Career Development
  • ECDL skill card
  • One Cambridge First and Cambridge Advanced examination entry
  • One CORE ECDL certification examination per module
  • One Internationally-recognised Microsoft and Adobe certification examination
  • One Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification examination
Only until March 31
from €457
from €5,480






The International Package is intended for students who can follow English-mediated lessons during all four years of their education.

  • Use of laptop during lessons
  • Using tablets throughout their schooling
  • A set of textbooks, notebooks, pencils and other materials with the school’s emblem
  • A school uniform with the school’s emblem
  • PE clothes (shorts, a t-shirt, a tracksuit) with the school’s emblem
  • Two remedial lessons per week
  • Two extended lessons per week
  • Tutorials, mentoring and consultations for each subject
  • Participation in various school clubs
  • Participation in various competitions including sports competitions
  • Student and parent access to the electronic school diary
  • Access to the lesson materials online
  • Access to the online learning platform
  • Access to the content of our educational service OK mathematics
  • Access to the LINKeduTV learning platform
  • Up to 10 trips around Belgrade visiting companies, cultural and other types of events and spending time outdoors
  • Use of the school restaurant or the learning centre in between or after lessons
  • Guidance counseling for universities in Serbia and preparatory courses for entrance exams
  • A free English diagnostic test
  • English-mediated lessons in Years 10 and 11 and the ICE Diploma from the University of Cambridge;
  • English-mediated lessons in Years 12 and 13 and the AICE Diploma from the University of Cambridge;
  • Option of receiving a free of charge part-time education following the national curriculum with the possibility of taking the exams prescribed by the national curriculum;
  • Access to additional online skill-oriented courses in English;
  • Access to the Cambridge website for students;
  • One CORE ECDL certification examination per module
  • One Internationally-recognised Microsoft and Adobe certification examination
  • One Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification examination
  • Guidance counseling
  • Seminars hosted by the LINK Centre for Career Development
Only until March 31
$from €750
from €8,999






Benefits according to payment method

  • The annual tuition fee can be paid in 12 or 96 monthly instalments.

Other payment benefits (options within this category cannot be combined)

  • Siblings are granted a 5% family discount.
  • Children, whose parents work for the same company, are granted a 5% corporate discount.
  • Scholarships: the 50 - 100% discount doesn't apply to the real tuition fee but is calculated based on the following annual fees: €5400 for the Standard Package, €4200 for the Basic Package, €7800 for the International Package, €6000 for the Standard Plus Package and €5400 for the Basic Plus Package.

Important notes

  • All prices are listed in EUR.
  • Tuition fees are to be paid in their RSD equivalents referencing the sell rate provided by the National Bank of Serbia on the day of signing the contract with Savremena Gimnazija.
  • The tuition fee can be paid by a legal entity or a person other than the student’s parents.

I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.