Find your nook


Dear student,

koverat sa SG logoThe fact that you have landed on this page means that you want more from your education. You’re in luck, because Savremena Gimnazija is the right place for you! Five days a week, it is your home away from home, a place where you spend your time learning and socialising.

At this school, a student always comes first and teachers are friendly. The curriculum is kept interesting because our teachers strive to present even the dullest of units in an intriguing way. Essentially, the teachers are there to recognise your talents and enable you to build upon them. Should you run into trouble with the subject matter – don’t worry. The teachers will always find time to be there for you and help you work through any difficulties. Teaching is interactive and dynamic, and modern technology is used inside-out. This means that each student gets a tablet to use while studying at Savremena Gimnazija, whiteboards are available in all classrooms, and during non-teaching hours, you can spend your time in the learning centre or school canteen.

All teaching resources are available online and accessible from home. Active athletes will be glad to hear that Savremena Gimnazija catch-up mechanisms for all missed lessons. Teaching materials and homework assignments are available online but you can also contact teachers by chat or email, and arrange tutorials or consultations.

Although we are fully focused on learning, the school life is anything but boring. We are always looking for innovative ways to make it enjoyable and interesting, such as field trips, clubs and sports events. The school organises a variety of happenings that you can take part in: parties, competitions, concerts and other cultural events.

To be happy, successful and enthusiastic about school means that the school is a place where you feel good about yourself. Fitting well into a new school is one of the reasons for you to feel good. We don’t think it would be a problem because in Savremena Gimnazija you will find the like-minded – young and ambitious lovers of learning, technology, social science, sports, arts and entertainment... We sincerely believe that you will create life-long friendship bonds at this school.

Still, new beginnings might be difficult. We do understand that some students can not build new friendships easily. Even if you don’t fit in well immediately, don’t worry! We’ll help you by offering group activities, peer-mentoring and, if you still find it difficult to fully relax and bond with your classmates, our counsellors are there to guide you. With our assistance, you will let your new friends to know you better. We are sure that will be more than enough for them to get to like you.

Take a look at the other pages about our school and let us convince you to join us.

With kind regards,

Savremena Gimnazija


Dear parents,

Thank you for your consideration and your interest in Savremena Gimnazija. Choosing the right school for secondary education represents a turning point in the life of every young person. We believe that your involvement in this process is extremely important. We appreciate that you support your child in starting a new, most important adventure in life with an attitude. Allow us to explain, in a couple of sentences, why we believe we are the best choice for further education of your child.

The founder of our school is the multinational company LINK group, which successfully operates in education and certification in the field of information technology and modern business, with the mission of raising the level of professional, higher and secondary education. We recognise the current trends and offer the best conditions for learning and training, which is a passport to the world of young and successful business people.

Our educational philosophy leans on the belief that people should develop both personally and professionally, that diversity should be respected and that success should be deserved. We, therefore, insist on having fun, but also discipline, on the sound spirit, but also sound body.

Our internationally-recognised diploma opens the door to the best universities in the country and abroad. As a privilege, our students can continue their education within our system, at the Information Technology School, which has been collaborating for years with prestigious international companies and institutions such as Microsoft, Adobe and the University of Cambridge.

Our goal is to join forces with you and build the foundations upon which your child’s safety, independence and desire to explore and learn will rest. Allow us to participate with you in this guiding process and to help bring your child’s intellectual potential; to help them recognise their interests and abilities and, most importantly, understand the importance of learning and education.

Finally, we would like to ask you to give us a call and arrange a meeting with Savremena’s management, so that together, we can find the best solution for your child and our student.

Sincerely yours,

Savremena Gimnazija


Dear teachers,

We are glad that you have landed on this page because it means that you want to learn more about our school and perhaps even consider joining us in our mission, which is entirely dedicated to improving the educational system in Serbia and the region. In this ever-changing world, education is the key to progress. While making the generations of young, motivated and ambitious people, it is of crucial importance to us to inspire them towards assuming the power to make world a better place.

The teachers at our school are not only experienced in transferring the subject knowledge but also emotionally intelligent when working with young people, who need authority yet a friend. This is why one of the conditions for being hired as a teachers in this school is your readiness to fine tune to the situation and find ways to motivate students.

This is not a school in which the teaching role ceases when the bell strikes the end of the school day but a learning environments where it extends towards the social aspect of education. Our teachers are elite without being elitist and, by honouring positive work attitude, true teaching responsibility, due ethical code and high academic aspiration, they rightly serve as role models to their students, which is the privilege of a few.

Methodologically situated in the framework of creative thinking, our teaching method is not an ex cathedra monologue, but rather an interactive exchange of information which encourages every student to assume an active role in learning. By doing so, our teachers can recognise the qualities and unique traits every student has, help them express these in the best possible way and motivate them to work on themselves. Whether it’s helping students make use of their talents or assisting them in overcoming learning difficulties, the teacher’s role as a mentor is extremely important in building our school’s ethos.

Contemporary in every sense of a word, our school nurtures diversity and respects the integrity of its teachers and students. It was founded by LINK group, a multinational company specialising in education and certification in the areas of IT and business. LINK group has been succeeding in its mission to raise the standards in professional, secondary and tertiary education. We are the giants from Newton’s quote whose shoulders bare those who will one day see further than others. If you see yourself as one of the giants, then you are just a click away from bringing all of your professional aspirations true. All it takes is a little bit of will to introduce yourself to us so that we know that there is someone out there who shares our mission.

Yours sincerely,

Savremena Gimnazija

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I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.