Truly Different – truly ready for the future!

How Savremena’s students develop their social skills and emotional intelligence

The teenage years are the most turbulent years in every adolescent’s life and they represent a key phase in each student’s maturation into a fine young person. That is why our mentors, teachers and school psychologist are always at their disposal and through different fun activities they make each student feel ready reach their full potential.

Using modern methods, they help students define their personality traits, overcome challenges and stay motivated, but they also prepare them for the real-life and work-related situations that await.


Savremena Gimnazija sees its students of the future as highly educated, successful, modern and above all responsible individuals. It is very important for them to realise the impact the personal actions on individuals and society in general.

At Savremena Gimnazija students develop their empathy and ethical values in a multitude of interesting ways. They explore and inquire about the things that interest them. Each day they gain new and valuable experiences, learn from them and apply the said knowledge in practice.

Each child can achieve amazing results if they are given the right kind of attention and instruction

Each student is different and they learn in different ways. Savremena’s psychologist and teacher support associate follow the progress of each student and help them find the learning techniques that suit them the most and that enable them to achieve the best results. As they guide them with useful advice teachers make sure that each subject is taught in an interesting way and that students exchange what they have learned among each other.

During the workshops focusing on different kinds of learning styles, students are able to overcome any challenges they may be facing while learning and receive concrete suggestions about effective methods for overcoming the said challenges.

Each child can achieve excellent results if they receive the right kind of attention and instruction. That is why employees at Savremena Gimnazija are there to teach students and encourage them to use their potential.

Actively acquiring social skills through interesting workshops

Workshops as a form of learning through experience represent a popular teaching method at schools all around the world and because of that they constitute an integral part of Savremena’s teaching. As a specific form of teaching workshops guarantee the success of active learning, and along with students a number of guest teachers, the school psychologist and teacher support associate also take part in the workshops. Thus far, students attended workshops on topics like tolerance in society, AIDS prevention, addictions, sex ed, etc.

Through the workshops, students were able to develop their communication skills, their team spirit, compassion and tolerance, social intelligence and leadership skills. Through direct and active participation, each student takes part and learns how to hold their own in a group and contribute creatively. In addition, through conversations and debates students connect with and relate to each other even more which further solidifies their friendship.

The Interdisciplinary Cambridge classes for practically applied knowledge

Interdisciplinary classes which essentially are a combination of two or more disciplines are an integral part of Savremena’s teaching approach. Students have for example simulated volcanic eruptions with the help of chemical substances and illustrated the Epic of Gilgamesh by merging an arts and Serbian language class.

This way, students were able to fuse the knowledge they acquired in different subjects into a practical whole and learn how to apply their knowledge in real-life situations.


Interesting destinations and a number of fun locations

Learning outside of school in different inspirational environments encourages students to explore and relate to the topic covered in the lesson and remember things quicker and more efficiently and use them in a practical context.

Savremena’s students can learn through visits to current events like the Belgrade Book Fair and by participating in various social and cultural events like museum, theatre and exhibition visits. A trip to the archaeological site in Vinca, the Museum of African Art and the Jovan Cvijic Exhibition at the SASA gallery are just some of the educational trips that our students have benefited from.


Developing sports skills, team spirit, a healthy lifestyle and fairness

Students also test their skills in various sports like squash, fencing and bowling.

What we would especially like to highlight are the activities that familiarise our students with the potential jobs they may have in the future. Thus far, our students were able to see what the role of a hotel manager entails.

Different extracurricular activities cater to the particular interests of each student

What makes Savremena Gimnazija students special are their idiosyncrasies and their eclectic interests.In order to hone their talents in the best possible way different extracurricular activities are organised at Savremena Gimnazija.

Students have the opportunity to pursue what interests them the most and are encouraged to discover other potential talents. No matter the art form whether it’s painting, dance, magazine editing or learning a new language, students can explore and pursue the disciplines that interest them the most.

All student interests can serve as the starting point for efficient learning and in such cases student motivation and results are at their highest. At Savremena Gimnazija, no wish is denied, but merely adapted to be both practical, educational and fun. With this kind of teaching, students develop their sense of individuality which is of key importance for their further education and career path selection.

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The young leaders of tomorrow organise charity events

The events hosted by Savremena Gimnazija are often charitable in their nature. Nowadays, people have become somewhat alienated from each other and that is why it is necessary to help students develop their sense of empathy and a positive outlook on the world and their surroundings in order to become kind and considerate individuals.

Each student is in some way involved in school events and that way they gain insight into their own abilities and affinities. Apart from their charitable and empathetic nature, our students also initiate various events to contribute to their environment and communities.

Each student’s mentor as their guide to success

Following the example of the most successful educational systems, Savremana’s students have a personal mentor, a teacher who is always there for them, who supports and assists them in many different ways. Each student selects their own mentor who will follow their progress and involvement in curricular and extracurricular activities. Mentors support the qualities of their mentees and help them overcome any kind of challenge they may be facing.

The mentorship programme enables students to develop a trusting relationship with their mentor that is based on a sense of mutual understanding and emotional stability which are essential for young adolescents. With their knowledge and excellent conduct, the mentor acts as a role model for students and as such are an important figure on the student’s role to success.


The school and parents partner up to guarantee a successful future for the student

In addition to imparting knowledge, education also necessarily implies instilling the right kind of values into students with the aim of raising them to become fine and upstanding individuals. Savremena Gimnazijaplaces a great emphasis on the aforementioned dual role of education and in cooperation with parents it plays an essential role in bringing the said goal to fruition. The school and parents act as pillars who when joined support students in fulfilling their potential in the best possible way.

Savremena Gimnazija fosters open communication with parents, mutual understanding, the exchange of suggestions and ideas that guide students towards achieving their academic aspirations and life goals. The partnership with parents is the essential lining on every student’s journey towards becoming a leader of tomorrow.

All of the efforts and activities we mentioned aim to adapt students in the best possible way to the demands of the real-world environment and to make sure that their immersion in it is followed by all-around success. Savremena Gimnazija students develop their critical thinking skills, expand their horizons and open their minds to new ideas, cultivate their worldview and become culturally aware, learn how to evaluate information and apply it both in their lives and in a professional setting.

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Enrolment for 2024/25 is underway!

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I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.