Savremena’s secondary students have once again shown their compassion. They helped the home for children with developmental disabilities fostered by St Petka monastery at Izvor near Paraćin.
The charity campaign was initiated by Religious Studies teacher Ana Marjanović, who learnt from the nuns at the monastery that they needed meat products, flour, hygiene products, all of which the students procured with help from their teachers.
The monastery became a home for children with developmental disabilities in 1942
St Petka monastery at Izvor operates under the auspices of Ravanica monastery. Apart from prayers and service, the nuns are in charge of taking care of the children, providing them with unconditional love and spiritual solace. The monastery is home to 88 abandoned, sick, and disabled women aged 18–80.
The 14th-century monastery was restored as a men’s monastery in 1824, and obtained its current status and purpose in 1942, when it welcomed its first refugees and ill children.
Together with their Religious Studies teacher, II-4 student Danilo Rončević and II-3 student Stefan Milojević took the supplies to the monastery.
Savremena’s students once again responded in good numbers and helped those in need. Well done, Savremena’s humanitarians!