Savremena International School is a part of the international Eco-Schools project, whose activities involve all its students. Last week, the representatives of the Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development association visited Savremena International School, to deliver a brief lecture and demonstrate the carton recycling process.
From carton to paper
Although already familiar with the concept of recycling, Savremena’s students could now observe how the process actually unfolds, and see for themselves that it does not take much effort and time.
The students understood that a single Tetra Pak carton produces, as the end result, paper that is ready for further use, and that the entire packaging can be recycled. This way, resources can be reused, and waste considerably reduced.
In addition to recycling, Savremena’s students learned more about the subject of degradability of other materials in nature, and realised that people will be outlived by the waste they produce if we all do not treat nature with care and live in harmony with it.
Leading by example, the route towards change
Once again, Savremena’s students have shown that they are responsible young people, who will give their own contribution to raising the awareness, and pointing out the importance of environmentally friendly lifestyles.
They are the ones who will serve as an example to other youngsters, turning their knowledge into action through various environmentally-minded activities.
All pictures from the workshop are in our gallery.