

Dr. Valentin Kuleto - vision of future education

Prof. dr Valentin Kuleto is the president of the international company LINKgroup, a regional leader in the field of primary, secondary, higher and professional education, Distance Learning education and the production of educational software.

LINKgroup consists of the following educational institutions: Primary School Savremena, four secondary schools – International School, Information Technology High School (ITHS), Savremena Gimnazija and Allison Academy, higher education institutions – Information Technology School (ITS) and Faculty of Contemporary Arts, as well as LINK Professional Education (ITAcademy, BusinessAcademy and InternetAcademy). In addition to these institutions, LINKgroup also includes the Institute of Contemporary Education and the ed-tech company SoftLink, along with more than 40 educational services gathered under the unique brand of the LINKgroup Educational Alliance.

Professor Valentin Kuleto has a master's degree in the implementation of a software platform for distance learning and a PhD in research on an adaptive personalized model of a distance learning system.

Dr Kuleto's engagement in the field of education is focused on research, technology, and development with the aim of continuous improvement of the quality of education.

He is the author of 16 books, monographs, as well as scientific and professional papers (more than 70) published in journals, proceedings of national and international conferences and scientific monographs of international importance.

The revolution of education through modern business and scientific research work

During his decades-long career, Dr. Kuleto managed the development and implementation of various educational and software solutions. Dr. Kuleto has successfully led and implemented a large number of corporate projects in the field of IT and e-business, standing out as their originator, designer and leader of their realization.

Dr. Kulet's involvement in the field of education is primarily focused on promoting the importance of education, but also the professions of engineers and managers as key links in the development of the economy, industry and society as a whole. His efforts are constantly directed towards improving the overall quality of education, research, technology and development.

The focus of Dr. Kulet's scientific and research work is mainly e-business, designing and implementing educational software and distance learning.

His activity, vision and energy daily redefine, develop and improve education in a way that suits modern society and the needs of its citizens.

Sustainable growth through continuous innovation

From the very beginning of his academic and then business career, Dr. Valentin Kuleto has been dedicated to innovation and development. That is why, together with its employees, associates and business partners, it constantly works on improving existing services, but also on creating new ones that improve business and raise it to a higher level.

We respect the past, but we are constantly focused on the future.

Support for new ideas

In modern times, there is only one law: if you are not progressing, it means you are regressing . There is no status quo, nor satisfaction with what has been achieved in key areas of modern life such as education and business. That is why Dr. Kuleto provides selfless support for new products and creative ideas.

Clients, attendees, employees or anyone with a good idea or product can expect support in its implementation. Instead of bureaucratic apathy, he encourages experimentation through all business endeavors.

Let's make innovation easier. Instead of hindering them, let's enable them!

Creating social value

The main areas in which Dr. Kuleto is interested in his work, education and business, are crucial for any society. Working to improve their quality on a global level, they strive to contribute to overall social development, values ​​and progress. Through shaping experts, connecting companies with employees, various educational and humanitarian projects, Dr. Kuleto, primarily through LINKgroup, is committed to leaving behind a legacy based on which he will change the future for the better.

Changes require visions, the ability to plan and act. They don't start in offices, in meetings, or in plan folders. Changes start in our heads.

People orientation

The value of the company is people. Their energy, knowledge and commitment are the main reason for good results. That's why Dr. Kuleto is focused on helping people become successful through a developed training network, numerous support services that make clients, partners and employees achieve incredible results.

Let's bring talented people out of the shadows.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful leaders is the ability to solve problems: successful ones are aware that those who can help the most should attend meetings, not those with the highest rank. The principle of knowledge before profession is one of the secrets of Dr. Kulet's success.

For the success of future generations

The reality in which the new generations grow up is significantly different from all the previous ones. The way they learn, engage in the world, create and share their knowledge and achievements with others has changed.

Quality education is the basis of progress and success of individuals and society.

The basic idea with which Dr. Kuleto operates and creates is that each individual, who chooses to study at any LINKgroup institution, will be adequately prepared for success in the dynamic atmosphere of tomorrow.

To find out more about the interests and activities of Dr Kuleto, visit his professional blog at

Formal Education
  • 1982. Elementary School Ivan Gundulić, Belgrade
  • 1986. Technical High School Petar Drapšin, Belgrade
  • 1994. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, BS in Mechanical Engineering
  • 2009. Alfa University, Faculty of Management, Belgrade, MS in Educational Management
  • 2010. Alfa University, Faculty of Trade and Banking, Belgrade, PhD in Economics
Scientific papers
  1. Kuleto, V., Stefanović, M., Radić, G., Pokorni, S. [2007]. Obrazovanje na daljinu u Beogradskoj akademiji računarskih nauka. Međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM 2007. Beograd, 13–14. jun. Zbornik radova. p. 813–818. COBISS.SR-ID – 222861836. M33
  2. Kuleto, V., Stefanović, M., Radić, G., Pokorni, S. (2007). Softver za izradu testova za proveru znanja i učenje. 10. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM – 2007. Beograd. 13–14. jun 2007. Zbornik radova. p. 819–824, COBISS.SR-ID – 222861836. M33
  3. Kuleto, V., Radić, G., Pokorni, S., Kostić, A. [2008]. Informacioni sistem Visoke škole strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije. 11. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM – 2008, 18–19. jun 2008. Zbornik radova. p. 816–820. COBISS.SR-ID – 513007452. M33
  4. Kuleto, V., Radić, G., Pokorni, S., & Kostić, A. [2008]. Softverska platforma za obrazovanje na daljinu (Distance learning system software). INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 7, Ref. E-III-1, p. 464–469, March 2008. ISBN-99938-624-2-8. M33
  5. Kuleto, V., Radić, G., Kostić, A., Pokorni S., [2008]. Softverski paket za izradu testova za proveru znanja i učenje. INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 7, Ref. E-III-2, p. 470–475, March 2008. ISBN-99938-624-2-8. M33
  6. Kuleto, V., Stokić, M., Bajalica, J., Pokorni, S. [2009]. Sistem za upravljanje sadržajem Web prezentacije. 12. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM – 2009. Zbornik radova. p. 750–756. ISSN 1451-4966. COBISS.SR-ID – 513778263. M33
  7. Kuleto, V., Pokorni, S., & Bajalica, J. [2009]. The distance learning system. Regionalna konferencija E-Learning in Balkan Academic Institutions: Barriers, Challenges and Opportunities, 25–27. septembar 2009, Niška Banja. Izdavač: Central European Initiative i College of Applied Studies, Vranje, ISBN: 978-86-6027-038-4. p. 10–17. M33
  8. Bradić-Martinović, Al., Kuleto, V., Džopalić, M. [2009]. Distance learning – in the case of Serbia, Strengthening the educational and scientific collaboration between faculties of economics within V4 and countries of Southeastern Europe, Karvina, 22–23 October 2009. International Visegrad Fund (No. 30810004 – IVF). Acta academica karviniensia: 2/2009: vědecký recenzovaný časopis. – str. 19–31. COBISS.SR-ID – 1024382096. M14
  9. Kuleto, V., Maričić, G., Radić, G., Pokorni, S. [2009]. Informacioni sistem visokoobrazovne institucije (The information system of a high school). INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 8, Ref. E-II-1, p. 466–470, March 2009. ISBN-99938-624-2-8. M33
  10. Dedić, V., Pokorni, S., Kuleto, V., & Subotić, N. [2010]. Karakteristike polaznika profesionalnog obrazovanja u režimu učenja na daljinu (Some characteristics of professional studies distance learners). INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 9, Ref. E-IV-4, p. 636–639, March 2010. ISBN-99938-624-2-8. COBISS.SR-ID – 1024134890. M33
  11. Kuleto, V., Dedić, V., Pokorni, S. [2010]. Neka pitanja taksonomije objekata učenja i standardizacije e-učenja. 13. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM – 2010. Zbornik radova. p. 518–524, Beograd, 29–30. jun 2010. ISSN 1451-4966. COBISS.SR-ID – 512134813. M33
  12. Kuleto, V., Dedić, V., Pokorni, S., & Bajalica, J. [2010]. Softverska platforma za obrazovanje na daljinu. Konferencija Elektronsko učenje na putu ka društvu znanja. Beograd, 7–10. oktobar 2010. Zbornik radova. p. 23–28. ISBN: 978-86-912685-3-4. COBISS.SR-ID – 179053580. M63
  13. Kuleto, V., Dedić, V., Pokorni, S., Bajalica, J. [2010]. Softver za izradu testova za proveru znanja i učenje kao podrška e-učenju. Konferencija Elektronsko učenje na putu ka društvu znanja. Beograd, 7–10. oktobar 2010. Zbornik radova. p. 174–179. ISBN: 978-86-912685-3-4. COBISS.SR-ID – 179053580. M63
  14. Kuleto, V., Pokorni, S., & Dedić, V. [2011]. Jedna realizacija softvera za podršku učenju na daljinu. Info M: Časopis za informacionu tehnologiju i multimedijalne sisteme = Journal of information technology and multimedia systems. ISSN 1451-4397. – vol. 10, br. 38 [2011], p. 37–42. COBISS.SR-ID – 1024135146. M53
  15. Kuleto, V, Pokorni, S., Dedić, V., Marković, S. [2011]. Analysis of factors influencing perceived quality of e-learning. The Second International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2011), 29–30 September 2011, Belgrade. Zbornik radova. p. 12–17. ISBN 978-86-912685-5-8. COBISS.SR-ID – 186347020. M33
  16. Dedić, V., Marković, S., Kuleto, V. [2012]. Learning Styles and Graphical User Interface: Is there any Preference? New educational review. [2012], vol. 28, br. 2, p. 73–83. M23
  17. Kuleto, V., Pokorni, S. [2012]. Kvalitet obrazovanja na Visokoj školi strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije. 15. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM – 2012, Plenary paper, Beograd, 28–29. jun 2012. Zbornik radova. ISBN 978-86-86355-10-2. COBISS.SR-ID – 191715596. M33
  18. Anđelić, S., Kuleto, V. [2013]. Web Application for Cat Testing of Students. 2013 21ST TELECOMMUNICATIONS FORUM (TELFOR), [2013], p. 861–864. M23
  19. Anđelić, S., Kuleto, V., & Radić, G. [2013]. Interaktivne nastavne metode kao faktor savremenog obrazovanja na Visokoj školi strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije u Beogradu. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Reinženjering poslovnih procesa u obrazovanju (2013; Čačak). Zbornik radova. p. 306–314. COBISS.SR-ID – 522771861. M63
  20. Kuleto, V., Miranović, B., & Pokorni, S. [2013]. Ensuring the quality of web-based e-learning materials in LINKgroup and ITS. 4th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 27–28 June. Zbornik radova. p. 40–50. (plenary lecture). ISBN 978-86-86355-14-0, COBISS.SR-ID 199083788. M33
  21. Pokorni, S., Kuleto, V., & Miranović, B. [2013]. Importance of self-evaluation for quality assurance in the e-learning process. The Fourth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2013), 26–27 September 2013, Belgrade. Zbornik radova. p. 46–53. ISBN 978-86-912685-9-6. COBISS.SR-ID – 211170572. M33
  22. Dedić, V., Kuleto, V. [2014]. E-learning of mathematics guided by principles of transactional analysis. Međunarodna naučna konferencija Uticaj interneta na poslovanje u Srbiji i svetu SINTEZA 2014. Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 25–26. april 2014. Zbornik radova. p. 336–339. doI: 10.15308/SInteZa-2014-336-339. ISBN: 978-86-7912-539-2. COBISS.SR-ID – 207574284. M33
  23. Kuleto, V., Pokorni, S., & Radić, G. [2014]. Određivanje ESPB za predmete studijskog programa. ICDQM-2014, 17. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću, 5. međunarodna konferencija Life Cycle Engineering and Management, Zbornik radova, Beograd, 27–28. juna 2014. ISBN 978-86-85355-16-4, COBISS.SR-ID 207635724. M33
  24. Pokorni, S., Kuleto, V., Andjelić, S., Radić, G., Kostić, A., & Simović, V. [2015]. Istraživanje usaglašenosti ESPB i opterećenja studenata, 18th International conference Dependability and Quality Management ICDQM 2015, Prijevor, Srbija, 25–26. juna 2015. Zbornik radova. p. 71–76, ISBN 978-86-86355-18-8, COBISS SR-ID 215642124. M33
  25. Anđelić, S., Ristić B, Kuleto, V., Ristić, G. [2015]. Obrazovanje stručnih kadrova zasnovano na kompetencijama = Education of professional staff based on needed in the labor market. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Reinženjering poslovnih procesa u obrazovanju (3; 2015; Čačak). Zbornik radova. p. 11–18. ISBN – 978-86-7776-179-0. COBISS.SR-ID – 217529612. M63
  26. Anđelić, S., Kuleto, V. [2015]. Savremene tendencije u obrazovanju IT stručnjaka. FBIM Transactions Vol. 3 No. 2 pp. 1–8. DOI: 10.12709/fbim. M54
  27. Kuleto, V., Subotić, N., Radivojević, M. [2016]. Modernizing the Public Administration – the Path to Digital Society. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). Vol. 5 Issue 02, February 2016. pp. 7–13. PAPER ID: IJERTV5IS020011. ISSN: 2278-0181. M24
  28. Pokorni, S., Pistić B., & Kuleto V. [2016]. Ishodi učenja u Visokoj školi strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije, 19. međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM – 2016, 29–30. jun 2016. Zbornik radova. p. 118–122, ISBN 978-86-85355-31-7, COBISS.SR-ID 223991052. M33
  29. Ristić, B., Anđelić, S., Kuleto V., Radić, G. [2017]. Dualno obrazovanje – dobit na duge staze = Dual education system – the long-run benefit. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Informacione tehnologije, obrazovanje i preduzetništvo. (2; 2017; Čačak). Zbornik radova. p. 15. COBISS.SR-ID – 524371349. M63
  30. Radić, G., Anđelić, S., Ristić, B., & Valentin, K. [2017]. Integrisanje poslovnih komunikacija u visokoškolskim ustanovama primenom informacionih tehnologija = Integration of business communications in higher education institutions through the use of information technologies. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Reinženjering poslovnih procesa u obrazovanju (4; 2017; Čačak). Zbornik radova. p. 21–26. COBISS.SR-ID – 49681167. M63
  31. Pokorni, S., Kuleto, V., Radić, G., Anđelić, S., & Ristić, B. [2017]. Proračun ESPB studijskih predmeta = Calculation of ECTS of educational components. Međunarodna DQM konferencija Upravlјanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću (20; 2017; Prijevor). Zbornik radova = Proceedings. p. 104–109. COBISS.SR-ID – 49755663. M33
  32. Pokorni, S., Kuleto, V., Ristić, B. [2018]. Primena ishoda učenja u nastavnom procesu = Application of learning outcomes in learning process. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Informacione tehnologije, obrazovanje i preduzetništvo (3; 2018; Čačak). Zbornik radova. p. 29–34. COBISS.SR-ID – 50349327. M63
  33. Ristić, B., Anđelić, S., Kuleto, V. [2018]. Private secondary education in Ex-Yu countries and management practice in private secondary schools. MEST Journal, 6(1), 79–89. doi:10.12709/mest. M54
  34. Pokorni, S., Anđelić, S., Kuleto, V., Ristić, B. [2019]. ECTS allocation to educational components, results of primary research conducted at Information Technology School – ITS Belgrade regarding information technology and e-business study programs. Platforms for digital leadership monograph, 2019. Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering University Union-Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-81400-11-1. COBISS.SR-ID – 276368396. M14 
  35. Kuleto, V., Pavlović, N., Anđelić, S., Radić G. [2020]. Application of automation of reporting in the analysis of business systems, comparison with alternative elections (cost-benefit) and attitudes of respondents. TRENDS in the development and application of information systems: monograph. Belgrade: University Union – Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering: University Union – Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Business Studies and Law. ISBN 978-86-81400-26-5. COBISS.SR-ID – 27860489. M14
  36. Radić, G., Ristić, B., Anđelić, S., Kuleto, V., & Ilić M. [2020]. E-Learning Experiences of Higher Education Institutions in The Republic of Serbia During Covid-19, Content Analysis and Case Study ITS Belgrade. Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA). November 2020, Granada, Spain. p. 8868-8879. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7. M23
  37. Kuleto, V., Dedić, V. [2021]. Morphological analysis application in higher education. New trends in digital transformation: monograph. Belgrade: University Union – Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering; Faculty of Business Studies and Law. p. 103–121. (prihvaćen za objavu). M14
  38. Kuleto, V., Ilić M., Popović Šević, N., & Hadžić, A. [2021]. Machine learning in the Cloud and business transformation. New trends in digital transformation: monograph. Belgrade: University Union – Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering; Faculty of Business Studies and Law. p. 83–101. M14
  39. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M., Dumangiu, M., Ranković, M., Martins, O. M. D., Păun, D., Mihoreanu, L. Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Higher Education Institutions. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10424. M22
  40. Kuleto, V., P., M. I., Stanescu, M., Ranković, M., Šević, N. P., Păun, D., Teodorescu, S. Extended Reality in Higher Education, a Responsible Innovation Approach for Generation Y and Generation Z. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11814. M22 
  41. Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Martins, O. M. D., Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Gheorghiță, C., Kuleto, V., Ilić, M. P., Simion, V. E. Blockchain Technology Enhances Sustainable Higher Education. Sustainability 2021, 13, .12347. M22
  42. Kuleto, V.; Ilić, M. P.; Šević, N. P.; Ranković, M.; Stojaković, D.; Dobrilović, M. Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Teaching Process in Higher Education in the Republic of Serbia during COVID-19. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12935. M22 
  43. Kuleto, V.; Ilić, M; Book Review: AI and developing human intelligence, future learning and educational innovation, John Senior and Éva Gyarmathy. Revija za socijalnu politiku, god. 28, br. 3, str. 429–446, Zagreb 2021. M23
  44. Kuleto V, The Implementation of Extended Reality in Higher Education, Examining Students’ Awareness. Big Data-driven Smart Economy, ICESBA 2021, Rumunija., Book of Abstracts. M31 
  45. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M., Hadžić, A., & Raketić, K. [2021]. The Implementation of Extended Reality in Higher Education, Examining Students’ Awareness. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 21(4), 211–225, doi: M23 (vrednovanje)
  46. Kuleto, V., Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Ilić, M. P., Martins, O. M. D., Ranković, M.; Coelho, A.S. The Potential of Blockchain Technology in Higher Education as Perceived by Students in Serbia, Romania, and Portugal. Sustainability 2022, 14, 749. M22
  47. Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Higher Education, Available Platforms and Examining Students’ Awareness / Valentin Kuleto, Milena Ilić, Velimir Dedić, Katarina Raketić // EdTech Journal. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (2021), p. 24–28. (ISSN 2812-8753). DOI:
  48. Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Kuleto, V., Gudei, S. C. D., Lianu, C., Lianu, C., Ilić, M. P., Păun, D. Artificial Intelligence Potential in Higher Education Institutions Enhanced Learning Environment in Romania and Serbia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5842. M22
  49. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M. [2022]. Book Review: Evgueni Vinogradov, Birgit Leick, Djamchid Assadi (Eds.): Digital Entrepreneurship and the Sharing Economy. M23
  50. Kanazir, S., Kuleto, V., Popović Šević, N., Ilić, M., Vuković, V., Panić, M. [2022]. Unity of Experience in Digital Marketing Paper: The Example of the Gaming Company Fnatic. Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC). M33
  51. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M., Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Živanović, Z., Păun, D. [2022]. Working activity composition for K–12 Teachers in LINK Educational Alliance, Exploratory research regarding observed Teacher workload and projected distribution. XVIII International May conference on strategic management, IMCSM 2022. M33
  52. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M., Stojanović, N., Dinu, D., Minhoreanu, L. [2022]. ERASMUS+ projects in Serbian educational institutions: LINK Educational Alliance case study. XVIII International May conference on strategic management, IMCSM 2022. M33
  53. Kuleto, V., Ilic, M., Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Živanović, Z., Păun, D. [2022]. K–12 Modern schools in Serbia: Exploratory research regarding genuine knowledge and perception of AI-based opportunities and challenges in Education. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People Volume 11, Issue 2, 2022. pp. 5–16. Available at: M23 (Erih+)
  54. Pokorni S., Kuleto V., (2022). Application of learning outcomes in the teaching process in higher education at ITS. // EdTech Journal. – Vol. 2, No. 1 [2022], p. 38–48. (ISSN 2812-8753). doi: UDC:378.014.5(497.11). M54
  55. Kuleto V., Paun D., (2022). New Perspectives on Virtual and Augmented Reality: Finding New Ways to Teach in a Transformed Learning Environment, Edited by LindaDaniela, Routledge, 2020, Book Review. // EdTech Journal. – Vol. 2, No. 1 [2022], p. 81–88. (ISSN 2812-8753). DOI: UDC: 004.946 Linda D. (049.32). M54
  56. Kuleto, V.; Ilić, M. P.; Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R.; Ciocodeică, D. F.; Mihălcescu, H.; Mindrescu, V. The Attitudes of K–12 Schools’ Teachers in Serbia towards the Potential of Artificial Intelligence. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8636. M22
  57. Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Kuleto, V., Beteringhe, A., Ilić, M., & Plojović, Š. [2022]. A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO NATURAL LANGUAGE. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 11(3), 36–44. doi: M23 (Erih+)
  58. Kuleto, V.; Plojović, Š. A.; Beteringhe, A.; Ilić, M. P. Securing Big Data for Knowledge Management into a Circular Economy. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14851. M22
  59. Simović, A.; Lutovac-Banduka, M.; Lekić, S.; Kuleto, V. Smart Visualization of Medical Images as a Tool in the Function of Education in Neuroradiology. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 3208. M22
  60. Anđelić, S., Dragović, N., Radić, G., Kuleto, V., Dedić, V. (2022). Knowledge assessment through the application of computer adaptive testing in response to modern tendencies in education. Proceedings: XI International Conference on Social and technological development, STED 2022. Trebinje, 2–5 June 2022 (plenary lecture), ISSN 2303-498X, ISBN 978-99955-40-63-0, COBISS.RS-ID 137066753, pp. 13–19, Dostupno na: za 2022. godinu. M33
  61. Robots in Future-Ready Schools. Case Study: Robot Pepper at Primary School Savremena / Valentin Kuleto, Milena Ilić, Maja Babić, Zorana Bodiroga, Andrijana Mladenović // EdTech Journal. – Vol. 2, No. 2 (2022), p. 68–72. (ISSN 2812-8753). M54
  62. Overview: Open Access Databases and Repositories / Valentin Kuleto // EdTech Journal. – Vol. 2, No. 2 (2022), p. 86–86. (ISSN 2812-8753). M54
  63. Kuleto, V., Mihoreanu, L., Dinu, D. G., Ilić, M. P., Păun, D. (2023). Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Extended Reality: Potential Problem Solvers for Higher Education Issues. In: Geroimenko, V. (eds) Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. Springer, Cham. M12
  64. Kuleto, V., Paun, D., (2022). New Perspectives on Virtual and Augmented Reality: Finding New Ways to Teach in a Transformed Learning Environment, Edited by Linda Daniela, Routledge, 2020, Book Review. // EdTech Journal. – Vol. 2, No. 1 [2022], p. 81–88. (ISSN 2812-8753). DOI: UDC: 004.946 Linda D. (049.32). M54
  65. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M. P., Bucea-Manea-Țoniş, R., Ciocodeică, D. F., Mihălcescu, H., Mindrescu, V. The Attitudes of K–12 Schools’ Teachers in Serbia towards the Potential of Artificial Intelligence. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8636. M22
  66. Kuleto, V., Plojović, Š., & Bucea Manea Tonis, R. (2023). Digital Innovation and Transformation to Business Ecosystem.  In V. Kuleto (Ed.), Book of Extended Abstracts, LINK IT & EdTech23 International Scientific Conference (p. [13-16]). Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade, Information Technology School, Institute for Contemporary Education. ISBN-978-86-87175-19-8. M33
  67. Kuleto, V., Stojaković, D., & Vulić, M. (2023). Digital Innovation and Sustainable Development of Organizations: A Comprehensive Study.  In V. Kuleto (Ed.), Book of Extended Abstracts, LINK IT & EdTech23 International Scientific Conference (p. [17-20]). Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade, Information Technology School, Institute for Contemporary Education. ISBN-978-86-87175-19-8. M33
  68. Kuleto, V., Stojaković, D., Plojović, Š., & Mihoreanu, L. (2023). Digital Transformation and Ethics: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age.  In V. Kuleto (Ed.), Book of Extended Abstracts, LINK IT & EdTech23 International Scientific Conference (p. [21-24]). Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade, Information Technology School, Institute for Contemporary Education. ISBN-978-86-87175-19-8. M33
  69. Kuleto, V. (2023). Privacy and Ethics in Web Analytics: Balancing User Data and Ethical Considerations. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), 8(4), 24-30.
  1. Kuleto, V., Dedić, V., [2014]. E-Learning = E-učenje: razvoj, tehnologija, budućnost. Beograd: LINKgroup. ISBN – 978-86-88841-02-3. COBISS.SR-ID – 204137484.
  2. Kuleto, V., Varagić, D., [2015]. Kako do posla u 21. veku + 444 saveta za uspešnu karijeru, 1. izdanje, Beograd: LINKgroup, ISBN – 978-86-88841-05-4, COBISS.SR-ID – 218137612.
  3. Kuleto, V., Varagić, D., [2016]. Kako do posla u 21. veku + 444 saveta za uspešnu karijeru, 2. izdanje, Beograd: LINKgroup, ISBN – 978-86-88841-05-4, COBISS.SR-ID – 303876615.
  4. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M., Stojaković, D., [2021]. Upravljanje projektima. Beograd: Fakultet savremenih umetnosti. ISBN 978-86-87175-08-2, COBISS.SR-ID – 43156233.
  5. Ilić, M., Kuleto, V., Pokorni, S. [2022]. Vodič u naučni rad, priručnik. Beograd: Institut za moderno obrazovanje. ISBN – 978-86-82474-00-5. COBISS.SR-ID – 71925513
  6. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M., Stojaković, D., [2023]. Upravljanje projektima – praktikum. Beograd: Fakultet savremenih umetnosti. ISBN – 978-86-87175-12-9. 
  7. Kuleto, V., Ilić, M. [2023]. EdTech TRENDS: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR K–12 AND HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade, ISBN – 978-86-87175-13-6.
  8. Kuleto, V.. [2023]. Employer Branding, Workbook, Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade, ISBN –ISBN-978-86-87175-22-8.
  9. V. Kuleto (Ed.), Book of Extended Abstracts, LINK IT & EdTech23 International Scientific Conference.  Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade, Information Technology School, Institute for Contemporary Education. ISBN-978-86-87175-19-8.
  10. V. Kuleto (Ed.), Book of Proceedings, INK IT & EdTech International Conference, Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade, Information Technology School, Institute for Contemporary Education.  ISBN-978-86-87175-20-4.
  11. Kuleto, V. [2023]. Cultural Heritage, Textbook, Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade, ISBN –ISBN 978-86-87175-24-2.
  12. Kuleto, V. & Anić, I. (2023). Kreativno rešavanje problema, praktikum, Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije – ITS, Beograd, 978-86-89007-48-0.
  13. Kuleto, V.  (2023). Human Resource Management, Workbook. Fakultet savremenih umetnosti u Beogradu. ISBN 978-86-87175-26-6
  14. Grupa autora (2023). “Završni rad, specijalističke strukovne studije – praktikum”. Urednik: Prof. dr Valentin Kuleto. Beograd: Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije. ISBN ISBN 978-86-89007-53-4.    
  15. Grupa autora (2023). “Završni rad, master strukovne studije – praktikum”. Urednik: Prof. dr Valentin Kuleto. Beograd: Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije. ISBN 978-86-89007-51-0.    
  16. Grupa autora (2023). “Završni rad, osnovne strukovne studije – praktikum”. Urednik: Prof. dr Valentin Kuleto. Beograd: Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije. ISBN 978-86-89007-50-3.    
  17. Kuleto, V. (2023). Contemporary education, Beograd: Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije.  ISBN 978-86-89007-58-9.
  18. Kuleto, V. (2023). Vodič u svet rada: saveti za diplomce i oni koji su na početku (nove) karijere. ISBN 978-86-89007-62-6  
  19. Kuleto, V.  (2023). Uspešan na radnom mestu. Fakultet savremenih umetnosti u Beogradu. ISBN 978-86-87175-31-0.
Master's thesis M71
  • Kuleto, V. (2009). Development and Implementation of a Software Platform for Distance Learning. Faculty of Management, Alfa BK University, Master of Education Management.
Doctoral thesis M72
  • Kuleto, V. (2010). Adaptable Personalized Model of a Distance Learning System. Faculty of Trade and Banking, Alfa BK University, Doctor of Economic Sciences.
Science projects
  • FI PMP/IT/0918-0419 [2019].
  • FITI/IT/M-0110/20-05/2021 [2021].
Editing of scientific journals
Reviews of scientific and professional journals
  • IEEE Access, publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021–
  • International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, Taylor & Francis, 2023–
  • Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), 2023-
  • Electronics (WOS) 2023–
  • Asia Pacific Education Review (Springer), 2023–

Savremena gimnazija

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I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.