This September, Savremena International School marked the beginning of a new school year in an even more exciting way than last year. New students, together with older and more experienced students, enjoyed the formal reception and interesting games, thus cheerfully starting the year ready for the quest for new academic achievements.
At the entrance to the school building, the students were welcomed by the school coordinators, Monika Glavina and Irena Manojlović, who gave them uniforms and made the beginning of the new school year special. Afterwards, the principal Svetlana Belić Malinić addressed the students and bid them a warm welcome, advising them to always fly high in order to reach heavenly heights with their knowledge.
An unusual meeting with the teachers
However, what is typical of all students at the beginning of every school year is imagining what their teachers will be like, but also wondering whether they will meet the expectations and what kind of impression they will make on their schoolmates. And do you know how new Savremena’s students met their teachers this year? They did it in a very unusual way.
To let the students adapt to the new environment quickly and easily, the teachers at Savremena International School created interesting riddles describing their subjects, after which the students tried out their logical skills.
The teacher Đorđe Trišović explained that he is going to help them discuss fashion with Heidi Klum, sport with Bastian Schweinsteiger, and politics with Angela Merkel. All this, of course, provided that they get to meet them. For Savremena’s students it wasn’t difficult to guess that he is, in fact, a German language teacher.
A slightly harder task was given by the Latin teacher, Natalija Stanković, who described her subject with the following words: “It can be said that I can be found everywhere and in everything while I am, in fact, nowhere to be found.”
An unforgettable meeting with the classmates
Right after solving the riddles, the new students went to their classrooms and played Identifying in groups.
They wrote down their personality traits on colourful pieces of paper, and then tried to guess who wrote those traits. This type of game helped them to relax quickly in the new environment, get to know each other better and make new friendships.
Learning about the school rules with the Kahoot! quiz
The students discovered how much they know about Savremena International School, school life and the rules by playing an interesting Kahoot! quiz.
Whether Savremena International School has its school band, which teachers are strict and whether cooking food in the school restaurants is used as a punishment, are only some of the twenty funny questions which allowed students to learn interesting facts about their school and the school rules in an unforgettable way.
High-quality technology for higher marks
The concept of studying at Savremena International School involves quite a bit of technology, so it is necessary that the students check their email every day in order to facilitate the communication with the teachers.
At the very first encounter with the teachers, the students received their account information for logging into their email, after which they sent their first email to the principal.
Savremena wants to make its students feel comfortable and to make school more interesting, and, above all, to adequately prepare them for the challenges ahead of them. Every section of their road to maturity is very important. Classes at Savremena International School are engaging and fun, so that the students can acquire new knowledge more easily.
Older students as teachers
A different activity was reserved for Year 11 students. They introduced their teachers to the new students from their point of view, and they did an excellent job. Their introductions made everybody in the school laugh.
The older students had fun with other activities, too. They prepared for new academic triumphs through games such as Top impressions, I know what you did last summer, and School year resolution.
In Top impressions, the students had the task to make a list of events and moments from their previous year that had left the greatest impression on them, as well as suggest top five events they would like to be organised at school this year. They presented their impressions with short videos made on iPads, after which they summarised their impressions.
Savremena’s students do everything differently, so they didn’t have that notorious task of writing an essay on how they had spent their summer holiday, which is what their peers at other schools usually do. Instead of that, with the game I know what you did last summer, they put themselves in their teachers’ shoes and tried to imagine what the summer holiday was like for their history, chemistry, maths… teacher.
In the School year resolution game, the students wrote down five to ten promises they would like to keep this year, some of which were not related to school. This way, the students became more aware of the various ways in which they can make progress, and solidified their wishes through writing them down.
Savremena International School – a place students love
At Savremena, the students develop their skills and learn in a relaxed environment filled with trust and good vibes. By motivating the students and discovering their talents, the teachers help them become more mature and more aware of their potential.
This is one of the major things this first day was about: tireless striving for a positive mood conducive to honest shared effort in pursuit of new knowledge.
See what the first day of school was like at Savremena.