The new generation of students had another chance to see that studying at Savremena International School is indeed truly different when they paid an educational visit to Vinča, the location of one of the oldest archaeological sites. On Wednesday, 5 October, the students got acquainted with the remains of one of the oldest inhabited places in Europe, which dates as far back as 5000 BC.
This way, they connected their knowledge from their first history, art and science lessons, and had a good time together.
On-the-spot learning
Not too far from Belgrade, on the right bank of the Danube, one of the oldest archaeological sites still preserving the remains of a Neolithic settlement served as an unusual classroom in which Savremena’s students learned about what used to be there a long time ago. Divided into groups, the students were able to discover the secrets of one of the oldest European civilisations on the spot.
While one group was watching a film about the life of the people from the ice age, another group was viewing the exhibits and listening to the curator’s vivid explanations about the magnificent Vinča people from the Neolithic age. Meanwhile, in a field not far away from the museum, the third group was using their iPads to read articles about the ice age man called Ötzi, whose frozen mummy was discovered in the Alps.
Each group’s activity was a different opportunity to make the pictures of the people who used to live there so long ago come alive in the students’ imagination.
Knowledge with staying power
Through a number of activities, the students could further grasp the extent to which knowledge from different subjects can be intertwined. They learned how natural sciences can help us discover history and how art can help us understand the early days of humankind, and got a better understanding of whether the people of today are indeed more advanced than their ancestors. These were only some of the questions that our students learned the answers to during their visit to Vinča.
Considering that the teaching of theory always benefits from activities such as these, the visit to Vinča surely was the right way to render the knowledge from different subjects functional. With this in mind, Savremena will continue to provide such activities, as it has in the past.