Each year on 1 December, World AIDS Day events take place all over the globe; for this occasion, Savremena International School provided its students with an opportunity to become better informed about this, as well as numerous other sexually transmitted diseases.
Being informed about HIV as the best protection
Saša Božović, a doctor at the MediGroup general hospital, gave lectures to Savremena’s students, providing information about sexually transmitted diseases and protection from them.
The students could ask whatever they wanted in a discreet way, through an anonymous form; the answers they received in the lectures will help them recognise potential risks and protect themselves through responsible behaviour.
Savremena’s students among those united on 1 December
By attending the lectures, Savremena’s students supported raising awareness about sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of fighting against them. This way, they joined people around the world who traditionally unite every year on 1 December in the fight against HIV and give their support to infected persons.
The students’ interest in events such as this one is a good example of the fact that education at Savremena is not only about studying, but also about acquiring broader education for various life situations.