Nikola Milosavljević, Savremena’s student and a successful young guitarist, secured his participation in one of the top five guitar festivals in the world - Belgrade Guitar Art Festival.
Music event worth the attention
The 18th Guitar Art Festival was held 20 - 25 March in Belgrade and was the epicentre of music events in Europe.
This event has been held since 2000, gathering guitarists from different backgrounds and age groups. This year, Nikola was among more than 100 participants who had the opportunity to display their skills and talents.
Shoulder to shoulder with the best
Nikola demonstrated his abilities in numerous workshops and “master classes” at the festival. He got a chance to present himself to a wider audience by performing with the “World Guitar Orchestra”, which on the final night of the festival was conducted by the renowned professor Thomas Offermann. Since this year’s Guitar Art Festival was marked by the spirit of integration of the young talented generation of regional guitarists, during the closing ceremony all participants premiered the piece “Bel Grado”, written by the maestro Carlo Domeniconi especially for them.
With his participation in this gathering of top-class artists, Nikola proved that he is a part of the music elite and once more made everybody at Savremena proud..