The second week of school at International School Savremena was marked by another interesting event which proved that, along with being attentive and diligent during lessons, Savremena’s students are also good at sports.
To ensure that the students step into the new school year mentally and physically fit, the teachers organised a sports day in Kovilovo where students had the chance to show their speed, agility, team spirit, competitiveness and determination to win, but also to have a great time with their friends.
Creative challenges that encourage physical activity
Wearing their Savremena PE T-shirts, the students enthusiastically headed to the Kovilovo Sports Centre, where they were faced with different games and challenges. The aim was, of course, to earn the highest number of points with your team in all sport disciplines combined, but also to show how good team players Savremena’s students can be.
To finish the game, the teams had to complete as many as 7 different challenges, created carefully by the PE teachers. Three-pointer shooting, tug-of-war and running, were only some of the creative and interesting challenges the students faced that day. Some unusual disciplines the students hadn’t tried out before were undoubtedly the ones they enjoyed the most. So, instead of playing tennis the regular way, our students exchanged rackets for their feet and tried to win the match by kicking the ball over the net to the opposing team. Volleyball was also a real challenge, as the students played it without making a single step from their appointed spot on the court.
On the other hand, running and tic-tac-toe tested not only the speed of Savremena’s students, but also their coordination, balance and logical skills. To complete these disciplines and earn points, the teams had to compete in a relay race by running, hopping and running backwards, while the game of tic-tac-toe made the students think about their opponent’s next move and beat them in running to the pins and placing them in the right slots so as to put three pins of the same colour in one column or row.
The game which men adore
Football was the game that turned out to be the favourite and most exciting one. For this game, too, the rules were slightly different from the regular ones. The players stood in 2-3-2 formations, and were connected to each other with a rope that had to remain tight all the time. In these formations, the students, especially the boys, were only allowed to move either to left or to the right, so kicking the ball and scoring goals was a real challenge.
After two hours of competing and having fun, Year 11A students were declared the winners and were awarded a trophy that will undoubtedly serve as a memento of this day. Even though there could only be one winner, everybody had an amazing time. We are sure this day will be the one they remember and talk about gladly.