International School Savremena knows how much its students love ice cream. This is why on Friday, 16 March, Business teacher, Ms Tatjana Vilček, and Economics teacher, Ms Marija Milić decided to take their students for a visit to Frikom, a market leader in the production of ice cream and distribution of frozen foods, thus enabling them to experience the process of ice cream production, distribution and selling, and learn about the main marketing and business elements in this field.
This was a great opportunity to show Savremena’s students how food production works in practice in one of the best companies in our country, and complement the business and economic elements learnt at school with some real-life practical experience. It goes without saying that the most entertaining part for the students was visiting the ice cream production, which this year started on 20 February.
Afterwards, the inquisitive students of Savremena visited the frozen foods production, where they had lots of questions about sales and marketing, showing how much they already know about these fields of business from their favourite subjects at school. The answers helped them complete the picture of a business process in the production company.
Frikom – a company that sets standards on the domestic market
Frikom was founded on 3 September 1975 in Belgrade, SFR Yugoslavia, with the help of Unilever. At first called Jedinica zajedničkog ulaganja (Joint Venture Unit), it was renamed Frikom (short for frozen food company). Since 2003, it has been part of the Croatian Agrokor group.
By providing quality products and services, Frikom has set the standards in the organisation of all business elements in the area of ice cream and frozen foods production. For many years it has successfully defended the status of the largest manufacturer and distributor of these products.
In order to become a strong regional company in the production and sales of ice cream and other frozen products, Frikom constantly strives to expand its selection and modify it according to market demands and consumer needs. Along with the enrichment and expansion on the domestic market, sales abroad are enhanced as well.
A special treat for sweet-toothed students
In the end, Savremena’s students weren’t able to resist special treats prepared for them – Rumenko, Čoko Moko, Rum Koktel, and many other popular ice cream flavours, while discussing their impressions of this exciting, yet educational visit during which they learnt about the secrets of creating good quality, developing a well-known brand, and bringing products to many homes and satisfied customers.
International School Savremena understands that the best way to learn is through a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge, which is why it strives to take its students on different visits where they can revise and apply what they learn at school.