The students of Year 11 had a unique chance to explore the topic of globalisation from different perspectives during the interdisciplinary lesson which connected Geography, Economics and Global Perspectives. Even though the students were presented with different views on the topic, they also pinpointed the characteristics that are common for all three subjects.
For this lesson, the students were organised into six teams (Business Team, Family Team, Environment Team, Architecture Team, Culture Team, Social Media Team) and their task was to look into the effects various global processes have on several spheres of life. The purpose of such approach was to raise the awareness of the students about this contemporary issue brought on by modern society. This way, the students will have the skills to assess the requirements of the society they live in and the people living in it.
Are traditional cuisines under threat by fast food chains?
The Business Team were supposed to discuss the topic of the effects of globalisation on cuisines. For their presentation, they had to do research on big food chains around the world, and how fast food affects people's health.
Globalised medicine and its effects on family
Then the Family Team focused on the question ‘How has globalisation helped medicine?’. The students from this group did a research on the importance of fertilisation in our country, but seen through the perspective of global trends. The students and their teachers discussed the in vitro procedure and how it can help couples who experience difficulties in starting a family.
The nature around us and the global world
‘To what extent is the aquamarine life threatened by industrial and communal waste?’ was the question of the Environment Team. Global pollution was the issue this team tackled, especially the manner in which it affects oceans and the aquamarine ecosystem. These students emphasised the importance of keeping ocean water clean by giving examples of good practices.
The look of contemporary, urban architecture
The Architecture Team showed how global processes have made the architecture of modern European cities uniform, and they also suggested possible solutions to this practice as an answer to the question ‘What is a modern city and what should it look like?’.
Have we lost our culture due to global influences?
The Culture Team researched the effects of global influences on culture. They debated on the extent of the influence of western culture as well as how it affected Serbian music, movies and culture in general. Though all of the topics covered in the class appear in the syllabi of Geography, Economics and Global Perspectives, culture is covered primarily in Global Perspectives lessons. The students chose to talk about this topic because they believed it to be contemporary and inspiring.
Communication through the screen
Last but not least, the Social Media Team tried to give an answer to the question ‘Why do we like Instagram so much?’. This team discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using different apps for socialising, as well as how they have changed the way we communicate and make friends.
Intricate web of knowledge and an open mind
Even though the lesson itself was interesting and educational, the students were asked to do a follow-up of the materials covered in class by making leaflets, brochures and presentations.
The purpose of the interdisciplinary lesson was to present collaboration and cooperation as the key processes in group work, as the students will tackle group projects and case studies assignments during their education at Savremena, as well as in their later professional environments. Additionally, it has been proven that students benefit from interdisciplinary lessons, as they motivate the students to explore new research topics, improve their critical thinking skills and enhance their confidence level when undertaking new academic challenges.
International School Savremena understands the demands of modern society and the skills students need in such a competitive environment. For this reason, the school promotes innovative approaches to teaching, and this project is one of the methods used to present learning as a creative and inspirational activity.