International School Savremena organised the Halloween week at the school for the fourth year in a row. The traditional event includes several days of Halloween-themed lessons, spooky decoration around the school, and the star event, the costume party which took place on Wednesday, 31 October.
The week before
The students participated in many intriguing and daunting activities during their lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday. There were debates on the representation of Jack the Ripper and his hideous crimes in the media and how that relates to the media today.
In their History lesson, the students tried to solve a murder mystery set in Ancient Rome, while in English lessons they solved many eerie crosswords and sparked their creativity as writers of gothic stories.
The party of ghouls, vampires and witches
The All Hallows Eve was celebrated at Belgrade Palace where the students of International School Savremena and Savremena Gimnazija combined their innovative minds to create their costumes. The school band ‘Gimnazijalci’ was to blame for the exciting atmosphere with their take on pop and rock hits.
International School Savremena’s competitive side
The students outdid themselves with their unique and horrific costumes and some spot-on replicas of well-known masks from horror films. However, the teachers showed their creativity as well; there were vampires, jedis, creatures from nightmares, as well as the scariest costume of them all – an assessment.
The winner, for the second year in a row, was taken by Zoja Žegarac for her nun costume, while second place went to the less terrifying Obelix costume created by Uroš Jež.
Creativity, entertainment and intercultural communication
International School Savremena believes that differences between cultures are minimised through learning about different cultural behaviours. This tradition is an example of the exchange between students from Serbia and international students with regard to learning about customs and holidays in their respective cultures. The awareness about global trends and society’s needs is precisely what makes International School Savremena a student-oriented school ready for the future.