On Thursday, 14 February, love was celebrated at International School Savremena, as well.
This global holiday was acknowledged through many novel and educational activities. The students of Savremena had a unique chance to observe and participate in the interdisciplinary class organised by their Biology teacher Nadežda Golubović and Sociology teacher Jovana Živković.
“The world of humans and other animals”
Ms Nadežda chose the most interesting examples from the animal kingdom and their courting rituals. The students with Ms Jovana then tried to find their pair in the human world. The dancing spiders from Australia were compared to some of the most famous singers of today and their videos.
A species of birds that makes intricate and beautiful nests when courting or puffer fish that create elaborate designs in the sand to attract other fish were very interesting to the students, and not only did they learn of the new species they may have not heard of before, but they used their critical thinking skills to draw parallels between societal traditions and norms.
Learning in an interactive and amusing way
Current methods of teaching stress the importance of introducing greater student participation in class activities and International School Savremena invests great effort in keeping pace with the educational trends of today.
Such activities show not only innovation and focus on the students, but also the fact that any occasion can be used for learning in a relaxing, innovative and entertaining environment.