On Friday, 22 March the students from Years 10, 11 and 12 went with their English and Sociology teacher, Jovana Živković, and the school life coordinator Neda Jovović to the American Corner for a teen conversation workshop.
The topics discussed were related to one of the burning questions of today, namely the gender issue in the contemporary, global society.
A bit of something for everyone
The American Corner offers a plethora of different activities that the students and teachers alike can participate in. Conversation workshops, movie screenings, educational and informational presentations of different study programs are just a few of the interesting events organised by the American Corner.
The eager and ambitious students of Savremena have found a place where they can learn more about their interests, discover new ones, and borrow books and films. The American Corner is undoubtedly a place they will visit over and over again.
Milica Pančić and Iva Živaljević, Year 10 students commented: ”This visit was a very interesting way to spend my Friday afternoon. We are happy that our school and our teacher thought of this, because now we have another place, besides my school, where we can come and learn new things.”
Language skills and broadened horizons
International School Savremena believes that extracurricular activities are an essential aspect of a student’s life, and as such, should be promoted even further.
Such visits, where students can practice their language skills and meet new people from around the world, are not only interesting for the students, but they are also an excellent preparation for the future and for all the experiences that await the students on their road to success.