After months of working with the Drinka Pavlović Children’s Home, the students of International School Savremena welcomed the children from the Home on Monday, 3 June.
Months of visiting the Drinka Pavlović Children’s Home
The students of International School Savremena showed their altruism and generosity in the previous months. Each Tuesday, they visited the children from the Drinka Pavlović Children’s Home in Senjak, where they participated in unusual dancing and drawing workshops, trying to make the day as entertaining as possible for their hosts.
After the unforgettable hospitality they encountered upon each visit, Savremena’s students decided to welcome their new friends at their school before the summer break.
Learning with modern technology
Savremena’s students showed the children from the Home how they learn using modern technology; they demonstrated the use of the VR Headset and explored tablet apps with their guests.
As a goodbye gesture, Savremena’s students prepared treats and refreshments for their visitors in the schoolyard. This was a precious experience for both Savremena’s students and the children from the Home. Everyone enjoyed laughter, games and an exchange of creative energy.
The long hugs and goodbyes at the end of the day undoubtedly mean that these visits will continue next year.