The students from the International School once again showed their humanity. On Friday, 28 February they visited the Drop-In Centre (Svratište) together with their Global Perspectives teacher and brought warm clothes and shoes for the ones in need.

Kindness is not overrated
Before and after their winter break, the students collected clothes and shoes, as these items are most needed at this time of year. All the clothes the students don’t use, don’t like or perhaps can’t fit into, found their owner at the Drop-In Centre.
The students showed their enthusiasm and will to participate. They were happy to help and support their peers in need.
The beauty of giving
Giving to others improves self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth. This advantage flows into all areas of life. International School students know that the Drop-In Centre needs their help so they could continue their selfless initiatives. Giving can feel just as good as receiving, right?!
This was a beautiful way to develop empathy among International School students and the children from Drop-In centre. The students showed a strong demonstration of love towards others. This is surely something they will continue doing.