Although not physically present at the school, the students of the International School are equally as dedicated to their education. With the help of their teachers, who give their best to facilitate the learning process, and all the technological tools provided by the school, the students have understood the importance of their participation.

Excellent tools for distance learning
All students have access to live-stream lessons, which are broadcast every day from 10 AM on our Distant Learning Platform. We make best use of the open source platforms now available on Cambridge Resource Plus. Through International School’s apps, the students now have much easier access to live stream and learning materials on their phones and tablets.
In addition, the students have numerous individual consultations scheduled for the upcoming week in order to master the material that awaits them before the end of the school year.
We constantly strive to enhance the quality of education at the International School, which is now, in these circumstances, on point. In these difficult times, we have all invested the effort to make things work.