Savremena Gimnazija continues to foster its students’ healthy lifestyle by organising outdoor sports adventures designed to develop their skills and team spirit.
Year 13 students tried a new Olympic sport
On Wednesday, 16 September 2020, Y13 students enjoyed sport climbing during Sports Day at Ada. The new Olympic sport enabled them to overcome a fear of heights on an artificial 15-meter rock. With help from a team of experts, the students managed to climb ascents of various difficulty levels. Sport climbing is an interesting activity that develops focus and teaches young people how to conquer seemingly unattainable challenges through hard work and tenacity. Savremena’s Y13 students learnt that sport climbing is not just beneficial for their health, but that it can also teach them how to solve practical problems and create tactics for overcoming obstacles.
An exciting day for younger students
At the sports fields around Ušće, Year 12 students tried out different sports, including CrossFit, yoga and a rugby-like game.
At Košutnjak, Y11 students overcame obstacles on the running track, while Y10 students took part in a traditional dodgeball tournament. Class I-2 were the winners of this exciting event.
Savremena’s sports tournament
On Tuesday, 22 September 2020, Savremena Gimnazija organised yet another Sports Day for its students, who showcased their skills in different sports and games that require precision and focus. In the tournament, each class represented one team and the students competed within their year. The victorious classes were I-1, II-1 and III-1. There were no winners in the final year, as the activities were aimed at having fun and spending time together.
Through entertaining Sports Day activities, Savremena’s students promoted a healthy lifestyle and recharged their batteries for the challenges that await them in this school year.
Visit the gallery for more images of Savremena's unforgettable sports adventure.