On Friday, 9 October, Savremena Gimnazija celebrated School Day and its slava, St John the Theologian, during a ceremony which included the bread breaking tradition. Savremena’s students and employees commemorated this important date, showing the unity and sense of community fostered at the school. Together with the students, archpriest Milojko Milijančević took part in the bread breaking tradition, wishing the students a successful school year and plenty of luck on their path towards knowledge and adulthood.

St John the Theologian's Day – a celebration of youth, knowledge and success
Na dan Svetog Jovana Bogoslova, Savremena gimnazija je, u izmenjenim okolnostima zbog pandemije koronavirusa, prigodnim programom proslavila Dan škole i školsku slavu. Učesnici programa, savremeni gimnazijalci, još jednom su pokazali svoje znanje, mladost i uspeh oličene u simbolu ovog sveca – belom orlu, koji ujedno krasi i logo škole.
On St John the Theologian's Day, Savremena Gimnazija celebrated School Day and the school slava in unusual circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Savremena’s students once again showed their knowledge, youth and success, embodied in the saint’s symbol – a white eagle, also seen on the school logo. With its white colour, power and dignity, the eagle represents youth, i.e. a young person on the path to knowledge. The elements that make up the semicircle represent the horizon. Our eagles-students, leave behind the challenges of the sea, the mountains and the plains, and ambitiously fly to meet the sun – to meet new academic and life achievements. This is the allegorical meaning of Savremena Gimnazija’s logo.
By celebrating School Day and the school slava, Savremena’s students cherish true values and highlight the importance of love, knowledge and virtue. This thought, spread by their patron saint, is what guides them in their everyday lives.