After covering the topic of regional language variation (dialects) in one of the Serbian lessons, the students were introduced to the Prizren–Timok dialect by one of its speakers, Savremena’s teacher Milica Ivanović.
Another guest at the lesson was teacher Natalija Stanković, whose origin is also from the southern part of the country where one can hear the Prizren–Timok dialect. Natalija explained the etymology of toponyms from southern Serbia, i.e. the villages of Svinjarica, Štulac, Geglja, Krivača, Lebane, Konjino, Ždeglovo, Prekopčelica, etc.
After revising the features of this older Ekavian dialect, teacher Milica presented examples of this dialect which the students then compared to other Serbian dialects.

The students listened to original dialogues spoken in the Prizren-Timok dialect from the book Govorite li prekopčelački?, written by Nikola Stanković who was born in Prekopčelica, near Lebane. Afterwards, they listened to poems from the anthology of contemporary poems in the same dialect, Oratim da ne patim, which they then translated.
Students showed great interest in the dialect
The interested but confused students wondered what language this was, confirming that it’s important to listen to dialects, rather than merely read about them. The students were also shown clips from Stanković’s Koštana and Sremac’s Ivkova slava and Zona Zamfirova; however, what impressed them the most was talking to a person from the south of Serbia, said Serbian teacher Marija Pilčević Tomašević.
This lesson, like everything at Savremena, was truly different. In order to learn the basics of the Prizren-Timok dialect and make the lesson more interesting, the Serbian teacher brought in a guest. Although she announced her as a “mysterious guest”, a well-known face entered the classroom – our Spanish teacher. We learnt that our guest’s origin is from the southern city of Leskovac. After a brief introduction, we read and translated impressive poems from the collection “Oratim da ne patim”, written in the Prizren-Timok dialect, which enabled us to get to know its main features. I believe that this type of lessons is both innovative and effective, as it allows students to learn in an interesting manner, said Savremena’s student Aleksandar Kašerić.