Savremena’s students took part in the 48th regional session of European Youth Parliament Serbia (EYPS). EYPS is a non-governmental and non-profit volunteering organisation launched in 2006. It’s a part of the European Parliament network, and deals with the non-formal education of young people through conferences and seminars organised each year. This online event gathered more than 100 participants from 30 countries, who exchanged opinions about current economic, political and social issues.

Here is the feedback from Savremena’s students about their participation in this important social event for young people.
Tamara Matović, class III-1 student
Through the cooperation with the European Youth Parliament, I learnt many things on the topic of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE); to be more precise, we discussed Euroscepticism. We had interesting interactions so as to become better acquainted with other delegates, which also helped us learn how to best express our opinion and respect others. Afterwards, we worked productively in order to achieve the best possible results in the upcoming debate. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this educational and entertaining organisation, and I’m sure I will cherish these memories forever.
Lara Veselinović, class I-6 student
The first session of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) I participated in
was, unfortunately, online. Given that I am a highly active person, I was sceptical about the digital format, however, to my great surprise, I had a great time and learnt many new things.
People in EYP are truly special; from the organisers and other parliament members, who are very friendly and always there for the participants, to the people who register for the committees. Nobody has any prejudice and, most importantly, nobody judges you because of your opinions/views/beliefs. For the first time I felt accepted and had no fear of making any sort of mistakes.
In addition to the great atmosphere and wonderful people I met (unfortunately not in person), I learnt many things and established new views of the world I hadn’t thought about before.
I would particularly like to highlight the work we did in committees.
In addition to collecting problems and solutions in a particular field (in my case: migration from smaller urban places to larger ones and it affects the economy and the environment (REGI) and the lack of jobs, particularly during the coronavirus epidemic (EMPL)), you really have a feeling that you’re doing something useful – that you have the power to work towards a better tomorrow regardless of your age.
“EYP is an organisation led by young people, for young people” – it truly is.
Of all the above-mentioned things, what I liked the most are the people. They are the main reason why I applied for EYP.
Ever since I was small, I’ve observed people and their problems. I like helping people and being there for them when they need it the most. This is why I like EYP, because apart from changing our future, I get to help others. That’s what matters to me – the people.
Anđela Todorović, class III-5 student
I liked how the project is organised and the way it all works. My impressions are great. I learnt a lot about the importance of teamwork; I advanced as an individual and improved my linguistic skills.
Pavle Vučković, class III-1 student
I took part in the September and October EYP sessions. The fact that it was online didn’t affect the interaction between the participants. On the first day, we participated in team building activities where we got to know each other; on the second, we developed the topic and on the third we debated and presented our ideas. This is very important for me, as I met many people with similar goals and gained valuable experience for further professional development.
Take a look at how Savremena’s students performed and what their views were when it comes to current social issues.