Students of Savremena Gimnazija participated in Global Education Week in an interesting and interactive way.

Philosophy teacher Marica Đurić, and Sociology and Constitution and Civil Rights teacher Jelena Spasojević invited two classes, IV-5 and IV-6, for a joint debate on recycling and sustainable development as part of Global Education Week activities.
During one double period class, students of these two classes expressed their attitudes and beliefs regarding recycling and sustainable development, and shared their ideas on ways to prevent further environmental pollution. The topic was covered from several standpoints – legal, ethical and the standpoint of social responsibility.
Students were greatly interested in this debate and offered constructive arguments with regard to recycling and environmental protection. They demonstrated they possessed a developed environmental awareness through their examples on how to improve the state of the environment. The fact that they demonstrated critical thinking and associated environmental issues the modern world is facing with many other social problems is particularly praiseworthy.
At the very end of the debate, senior students of Savremena agreed that most citizens do not have enough information about environmental issues, and that the key to solving this problem is increased public presence, which would also be a great message of this constructive debate.