Students of Savremena Gimnazija had special tasks for the European Day of Languages.

In language lessons (Serbian, English, Spanish, French, German and Latin), the students were tasked to design language-themed bookmarks (containing quotes, grammatical explanations, interesting language facts, idioms, tongue twisters, spelling, books covered in class, etc.). A special motive was the fact that the best ideas would be turned into real bookmarks and sold at a charity event at the school. The students showed excellent creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, and learnt how language and app skills (Canva) can be used to design a product with multiple usability. Both the students who were physically present at the school and those who attended the lesson online took part in this activity, and the teacher followed their work via Google Meet. In addition to celebrating this day in a truly different manner, the students developed awareness about social entrepreneurship and the ways in which they can contribute to society. The best and most creative bookmarks were printed out and laminated, all of which was done at school with great enthusiasm from the students and teachers.
Creativity and altruism
The charity event to collect money for the treatment of Anika Manić was the perfect opportunity to organise the students’ exhibition.
The bookmarks were handed out in exchange for a charity text message at the school, in the “Belgrade” shopping mall and on the street. The goal was for the students to realise that their work and effort can serve a greater cause, and that the knowledge and skills gained at school should make society a better place. On the one hand, the students are doing a good deed and encouraging others to do the same and donate money to those in need, and on the other hand, they get an original bookmark as a reminder of their altruism.
We kindly invite the parents to join the campaign and send the text message (858 to 3030), and the students will bring them a unique bookmark.
We hope that the message on the bookmark will motivate the students and parents to discover new books and remind everyone that empathy is the greatest virtue!