Katarina Ristanović, Year 12 student has been a peer educator in the training program Say NO to Hate Speech for two years in a row. Last year, she organised workshops in Belgrade secondary schools, and this year, she organised a workshop in Savremena Gimnazija with class I-1. Year 10 students demonstrated exceptional readiness for cooperation, openness and creativity in this training.
Introducing students to the concept of peer violence as a form of violence prevention
Students were introduced to the definitions of the terms such as prejudice and stereotypes in the Say NO to Hate Speech workshop, and refreshed these definitions with new meanings. Through play and discussions, Savremena’s Year 10 students acquired new information, and had an opportunity to practice critical thinking and create their own arguments. Students spoke about differences among people and got to know their authenticity.
Katarina has completed training for a peer educator in the Centre for Positive Youth Development (CEPORA) and has been attending training programs in their organisation for the second year in a row. She organises workshops and training programs with a high degree of responsibility, openness toward students, and determination to make a difference and convey knowledge to others through her efforts.
Savremena Gimnazija would like to thank Katarina and students of class I-1 for demonstrating a desire to learn and willingness to become better persons.