Savremena’s students in classes II-1 and II-2 revised the Serbian Language and Literature coursework from the previous school year in an interesting way.
Students were given concepts that refer to the coursework from Year 10, such as Achilles’ heel, Homer, Florence, Inferno, Slaveno-Serbian language, Encomium to Prince Lazar, parody novel, Saint Sava, Sermon on the Mount, and many others. Savremena’s students were tasked with finding appropriate photographs associated with the aforementioned concepts, and creating mosaics of knowledge, which they then interpreted, explaining each of the concepts shown in the photograph.
Here’s the creative mosaic designed by Aleksandra Mosurović, Andrej Elez and Bogdan Zagrađanin:
How to do revision in an original and inspirational manner
This activity was an engaging modification of the original text. Students first recall the coursework from the previous year, revise it, and then actively seek photographs, arrange them in a meaningful way, and finally explain the resulting mosaic to their classmates. Our brand new second-graders have once again demonstrated their creativity and knowledge, said Marija Pilčević Tomašević, Serbian Language and Literature teacher.
Savremena’s students absolutely love this form of creative revision.
Today’s activity in the Serbian language lesson is the most original and refreshing way to revise the coursework from Year 10, because we had the freedom to choose any photographs that reminded us of the given concepts. The lesson was characterised by the participation of all student groups, both those present in the classroom, and those attending lessons online, so it was another new experience for us. Group work brought us closer and reminded us that the second grade began a while ago. In addition, group work allowed every student to explore, connect concepts, and present the answer in their own way, said Savremena’s student Aleksandra Mosurović.
Teachers at Savremena Gimnazija will continue to seek inventive and engaging ways to help their students master new and expand their existing knowledge.