Another series of truly different lessons took place at Savremena Gimnazija.
After covering one of the most important novels of the 20th century, Franz Kafka's The Trial, Serbian Language and Literature teacher, Marina Kuzmanović, tasked Y3 students to write a short story entitled My Kafkaesque Situation. As usual, the students did a wonderful job, showcasing their creativity and originality while depicting the helplessness of the modern mass society.
“The topic – My Kafkaesque Situation – inspired a Year 3 student to write a modern absurdist story that evokes Kafka’s novel The Trial and his novella The Metamorphosis. This is a story soaked in fine irony. The dialogues and the colloquial language make the story relatable, but also funny and somewhat scary. One thing is certain – it’ll leave you speechless”, said teacher Marina Kuzmanović.