Savremena’s Year 1 student Uroš Tirnanić is on a literary winning streak. After winning second place at an international St Sava Day competition organised by the oldest Serbian civic society, the Saint Sava Association, Uroš won first prize at the literary contest “Young Guardians of National Culture 2019”. In the secondary school category, he won with his poem entitled Why Don’t You Speak Serbian, My Son?.
But Uroš’s accomplishments don’t end here. Savremena’s student won first place in the same category at the international literary and art competition “Šantić’s Word”, the theme of which was “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness” (Honoré de Balzac).

Literary competition: “Young Guardians of Serbian National Culture”
With his literary talent, Uroš stood out among 190 secondary school students from the country and the diaspora at the international literary competition organised by the Guardians of Vuk Karadžić’s Work association from Čačak. Uroš received the prize at the Vladislav Petković Dis City Library in Čačak.
„Šta radiš, dete?” – baka me pita.
„Atendujem inventove na Fejsu!”
„Je li to, sine, šala duhovita?”
„Ma nije, bako, tako mi tvita.”
„Šta kažeš, dete?” – baka se čudi.
„Daunloudujem klipove s neta!”
„Joj, kakav ti je to jezik ludi,
šta ti to znači, za ime sveta?”
„Ja, bako, ne spinujem i nisam trol,
uglavnom tagujem, hejtujem, lajkujem
naglas se smejem i kažem lol,
malo atečujem, malo dilitujem.”
Baka me sluša, pa se krsti:
„Zašto, sine, ne govoriš srpski?
Snađe me tuga i teška muka
što ne razumem svoga unuka.
Gde sve to ide? Gde ćemo stići?
Šta ćemo stranim rečima postići?
Hoće li ovo neko da spreči?
Da jezik sačuva od tuđih reči.”
Savremena’s student winner of the “Šantić’s Word” contest
Uroš also achieved notable results at a competition organised by the Aleksa Šantić Primary School from Kaluđerica. In a tough competition, Uroš once again showed his literary talent. Read his poem below:
Uroš continues to amaze us with his literary prowess and Savremena Gimnazija wishes him plenty of success in his writing endeavours!