Confirming that education at Savremena Gimnazija is always engaging and interactive, our students demonstrated their knowledge and creativity yet again.
After reading and interpreting the famous novel Le Père Goriot by Honore de Balzac, Year 2 students wrote a paper titled Balls Then and Instagram Now.

“The topic Balls Then and Instagram Now encouraged our Y2 students to see things that haven’t changed since the period of the novel. Inspired by the novel Le Père Goriot they described how balls are depicted in the novel, and how nowadays, people falsely present themselves on Instagram and other social media. The topic encouraged them to think critically, so they presented their point of view on the problem and how to approach it, as well as what we can learn by reading novels that may seem far-removed from us at first glance, but we are actually still living them”, says Serbian Language and Literature teacher Marina Kuzmanović.
Read some of the best papers on this topic written by Y2 students Andrea Milovanović, Iva Petković and Nikola Dimitrijević.