Senior students of Savremena Gimnazija, Katarina Vučićević, Lea Rambosek, Ana Petrović and Dunja Mićunović, participated in an interesting online competition in the field of Serbian language and literature.
The Department of Serbian Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš traditionally organised the Week of Serbian Studies in the period between 7 and 11 December 2020. One of the most important activities in this event was a team competition in Serbian language and literature for senior students that was held online this time. The team of Savremena Gimnazija participated in the competition, and tested their knowledge of the entire secondary school Serbian Language and Literature syllabus, using mobile phones and Kahoot web application.
Senior students of Savremena Gimnazija demonstrated exceptional knowledge and won a notable fourth place.
We firmly believe that the next generation of graduates of Savremena Gimnazija will continue this tradition and participate in this competition, achieving notable results.