Students of Savremena Gimnazija took part in another interesting international project.
Over the past few weeks, they had the opportunity to showcase their creative skills as part of the international eTwinning project Love More, Spend Less. The creative project workshop was purposely opened on Valentine’s Day when students designed and made jewellery from recycled materials, giving it to their loved ones. This way, students not only expressed their love for dear people, but also for the entire planet which is being slowly destroyed by our consumerism. The process required students to partner up with students from a high school in Poland, and share ideas with them.

The students first made necklaces and earrings from old magazines, as well as earrings made from scraps of yarn they found at home. For the next workshop, they brought old bracelets and used them to make dream catchers – hand-made ornaments that originate in Native American culture and are used to chase away bad dreams.
By participating in this workshop, students of Savremena Gimnazija showed that we do not have to spend any money to decorate ourselves and our surroundings, as well as that we can give in to our creative impulses and create something entirely new and innovative, while also taking care of our planet.