An end-of-the-year Computer Science project for the third-graders from Savremena included creation of a website.
The project that stood out was the one of Larisa Vasović and Zvezdana Filipović, who had chosen as their subject Tolkien’s works “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Silmarillion”. Their selection was inspired by the books they had read in English.

The website content is mostly humour-based, but also includes the quotations from the books used as resources. Some details are the figments of the two girls, imaginatively created to make the reading more interesting. On the website you can discover what the most probable holiday destinations in Mordor could be depending on which dark lord you choose, what is the current weather forecast on Arda, whether Manwë is the lord of chickens, etc.
Zvezdana and Larisa believe the website content that Tolkien’s fans read will raise a laugh and that the project will inspire others to watch the films, but to read the books as well.
Larisa and Zvezdana’s project can be viewed here.