The Latin lessons for Savremena Gimnazija students proved to be truly different during this school year as well, given the fact that the lessons were partially organized online, which was challenging for students and teachers alike.
The syllabus was carried out in an interesting way through different activities thanks to our Latin teacher Natalija Stanković.

The Field classes for the first-graders
Krajem školske godine realizovana je terenska nastava za učenike prvog razreda. Obilazeći Viminacijum, Ramsku tvrđavu i Srebrno jezero, učenici su dobili setove zadataka koje su morali da rade u manjim grupama.
By the end of the school year the field classes were organized for the first-grade students. While visiting Viminacium, Ram Fortress and Silver Lake, the students were given the sets of tasks which they had to complete working in small groups.
Step into the Savremena Gimnazija Students’ shoes for a while and try to do the tasks.
Myths in Comics
A number of the lessons taught in the second-grade classes were devoted to the Greek mythology. Having learnt more about Daedalus and Icarus, Orpheus and Eurydice, Theseus and Minotaur, Tantalus and Sisyphus and having chosen the myth they liked best, the students got the task to create a comic using the online tools.
Aleksandra Rašić – Orpheus
Maša i Nikola Krstajić – Theseus and Minotaur
Aleksandra Mosurović – Theseus and Minotaur
Roman Emperors’ Roads
A special part of the lessons was dedicated to the Roman Emperors’ Roads. Not being able to visit all the locations, the students had the opportunity to learn interesting data and see the following places: Singidunum (Belgrade), Taurunum (Zemun), Felix Romuliana (Zaječar), Justiniana Prima (Caričin grad), Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica) i Diana (Kladovo).
Bearing in mind that mind maps are one of the best known methods used to help remembering things, during their lessons the students created a short overview of everything they had learnt. Designing maps, the students discover crucial features of concepts they deal with. While the students learn about different concepts’ interrelation, they themselves intensively start to think of the words and devise new associations related to the concept meaning, which enables them to create better, long-lasting memories. An example of a mind map is available though the work of II-3 class students:
“The Romans on the Serbian territory”.
During the lessons, the students learnt more about the remains of the Roman culture and civilisation, the way they have been preserved and the reasons why at the place such as Justiniana Prima no measures had been undertaken to inscribe the site on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
In order to make the story of Singidunum more memorable, the students’ task was to take photos at the following sites: Republic Square - the remains of necropolises, Student Park - the remains of necropolises, Plato near the Faculty of Philosophy (translator’s remark) - the Roman baths, Shopping Centre “Rajićeva” - the remains of a street and its columns, the Roman well, the Big Gunpowder storage - the Lapidarium, the National Bank of Serbia - the Temple of Jupiter, Pioneer Park - the remains of necropolises, King Aleksandar Boulevard - Via Militaris.
Let’s see what it looks like when students design interesting postcards of our capital, where Flavius’ forth legion used to be, with an interesting story to be told on the Romans who lived here.
Please view the video-postcard of Singidunum by Uroš Tirnanić
A similar task was given to the students for the elective subjects Language, media and culture and An Individual, a group and a society, resulting in a small guide through Singidunum.
Please view the guide A Roman City by Nikola Dimitrijević
Please view the guide created by Andrej Elez
Designing magazines
Na samom kraju školske godine priča je zaokružena časopisima u kojima su se, pored relevantnih, našle i informacije o udaljenosti, atrakcijama i smeštaju.
The-end-of-the-school-year wrap-up was designing magazines that, among the other relevant information, offered also the info on the road distances, attractions and accommodation.
We are sure that these magazines will get you interested to visit some of the mentioned sites and learn more about the Ancient Romans’ past.
Latin is taught in the unique way at Savremena Gimnazija
The students’ pleasure with these extraordinary lessons is confirmed by Dorotea Miklosavljević’s impressions: “Thank you for the wonderful projects, interesting lessons on the Latin language and the Roman Empire history, legends and mythology. I am sorry that the lessons are over, but I will keep on learning more about these topics.”
Teacher Natalija Stanković is truly pleased with students who demonstrated such an interest for carrying out these projects: “If it weren’t for the students, nothing could have been realized in a truly different manner, the manner which makes it possible that the things learnt in these lessons will be remembered and will have a lasting value. One thing is sure, the students walking the capital’s streets will feel richer being aware that 17 centuries ago glorious ancient Romans used to walk.”