The students of the first and fourth grades took part in the eTwinning project “The Forces of nature and the human body”, whose idea was to explain the processes happening in a human body during physical activities while studying the laws of nature and chemical reactions inside the body.

During the project, the students successfully worked on the project logo and poster preparation and met the other project participants through online meetings. The students also completed the project tasks which included 50 m running, high jump, the Cooper fitness test, physics, chemistry and biology tasks as well as the presentation.
The Savremena Gimnazija students showcased a high level of knowledge
There were 61 students and 18 teachers from Serbia, North Macedonia, Romania and Turkey participating in the project. The project lasted for sixteen weeks, during which the students demonstrated great interest and dedication so all project goals would be duly completed. The project activities were led by the headteacher Milka Keser, physics teacher Nina Stevančević, physical education teacher Mladen Stanković and mathematics teacher Draško Beguš. Among the Savremena Gimnazija students those who stood out were Lara Veselinović I-6, Zara Korać I-5, Dušan Krajnović I-4, Lana Milivojević I-3, Ana Petrović IV-1, Milica Ristić IV-1 and Dunja Mićunović IV-1.
The students expressed great interest and demonstrated considerable knowledge in the above mentioned fields, representing their school and country in the best possible way. They applied the knowledge they had gained in the natural sciences area and gave a spirited sport performance they are well-known for, gaining beautiful experience, new friends and knowledge.