Safety of students on the Internet is a topic which duly attracts more and more attention, so the teachers of Savremena Gimnazija recognized the importance of this issue and, together with their students carried out the project devoted to this topic. The fourth-graders of the Combined Programme had the opportunity to work with their peers from Turkey and together look into the dangers lurking on the Internet.
Within this eTwinning project the students of two schools firstly examined their own online behaviour and received the feedback on the levels of safety. At the first mutual meeting carried out through the “Google Meet” app, the students presented their respective cities, Belgrade and Istanbul, schools and got to know each other better by using the app “Nearpod”. Responding to the interesting questions, they realised that even though they come from different countries, they think in a similar way and share similar values. Later, they learned how the media manipulate their behaviour, how to protect themselves and others, why it is important to know what footprint we leave on the internet. In the main part of the project, the students designed the brochures on safety on the internet. Our students created the brochures in Serbian in order to make the information available to their target groups, in other words, parents and younger teenagers. At the final meeting, the students presented their brochures in English, pointing out the importance of spreading these messages and ideas.
Upon the evaluation at the end of the project, all the participants pointed out that they were glad to meet their peers from another country and culture, that they had learnt a lot on the subject and what they found especially valuable was the notion that their work could influence a child to behave more responsibly on the Internet, or that a parent would become more aware of the dangers lurking on the Internet and would know how to treat their child.