The students of the Combined programme who have the subject Art and Design had the opportunity to participate in an interesting international interdisciplinary eTwinning project together with the students of the Italian town of Pinerolo.

After an initial get-together with their peers, using the Padlet app, the students worked together doing the analysis of the commercial advertisements, whose aim is to sell a product, as well as the analysis of the advertisements whose aim is to raise awareness within a society on socially-important issues.
Prior to the project, our students learnt about the psychology of advertisements, linguistic techniques used in advertising and audio-visual effects - they learnt these together with their teachers: Marija Djordjević, psychology, Milica Aleksić, English and Tamara Rajinac, Art and Design. Then the students themselves chose the advertisements they wanted to analyse in groups, and having done that, they presented their analyses in English, at the mutual meeting.
During the very presentations our students were specially commended by teacher Ana, whose mother tongue is English and was currently doing the training in Italy. She was fascinated with our students’ fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary.

Upon completion of the project, our students were given an additional task for Art and Design subject - the task was to make an advertisement applying all they have previously learnt.
All the students who participated in the project pointed out that what they found very interesting was meeting their peers from Italy, hearing them speak English, learning what they think about the impact of advertisements as well as receiving feedback on their work and achievements from foreign teachers.
Do view HERE how the Savremena Gimnazija students represented their truly different school.