As a part of the workshop programme that Savremena Gimnazija organises for its students with the aim of acquiring skills, knowledge and values necessary for life and work once the secondary school is finished, English teacher Milica Aleksić held the workshop “How to write a good CV”.

Naimly, having explored the needs of our students, we learnt that a large number of them plan to apply for universities abroad.The application process itself requires sending a CV, and since the students wish to make a good first impression, they pointed out that they would like to know more on how to write a CV.
A large workshop attendance speaks about students’ interest.The students were given the information on what a CV has to comprise, and what shouldn’t be included, how to write the section that deals with experiences, what are the most common mistakes and how to avoid them, which English phrases should be used, why it is important to make a CV relevant to the institution a student is applying to, and why they should proofread. It is important to stress that the workshop was an interactive one so all the students had the opportunity to check if and what they had learnt there.
It is worth noting that the majority of attendees were the third-graders, exactly those who are facing the university application process. At the end of the workshop, the students had some additional questions, which were answered. The students were offered additional help at the moment when they start working on their CVs.