The Savremena Gimnazija students have demonstrated their humanity, this time by helping the special needs children’s home at the monastery Sveta Petka in Izvor near Paraćin.

The humanitarian action was initiated by religious education teacher Ana Marjanović, who, having talked to the monastery nuns, learned that they in dire need of meat products, flour, hygiene products, fruit and vegetables, so the empathetic Savremena GImanzija students and their teachers provided the supplies. Besides, the students who could afford it raised the money to help alleviate a very difficult life the nuns and children they take care of there live. The winery Radovanović and the company DIS from Krnjevo also joined the relief and raised significant means to help the most hardship-stricken wards of the monastery children’s home.
The monastery of Sveta Petka in Izvor is under the administration of Ravanica monastery. The monastery nuns, besides prayers and services, devote most of their days to children they take care of, giving them unconditional love and spiritual comfort. In the monastery home there are 88 abandoned, ill-stricken and immobile female wards aged 18 to 80. This sanctuary, dating back from the 14th century, was renovated as a male monastery in 1824, and its turnover into today’s purpose happened in 1942, when refugee children were first admitted there and later on the sick children as well.
Again, a large number of the Savremena Gimnazija students participated in this action and helped those who needed assistance most. Well done!