On 2 October, the students of Savremena Gimnazija visited the Science Fair on Ada Ciganlija. The Fair is a part of the programme “A Blue Flag”, which shares the same idea as the one of "Eco-school". This was the first science fair organised by the VII Belgrade Grammar School and the public company “Ada Ciganlija”.
The students of the VII Belgrade Grammar school, together with their teachers demonstrated the laws of physics, chemistry and biology. Savremena Gimnazija students, visiting the Fair, had the opportunity to see how solar panels work, to discover how maths and biology are connected, to smell the scent of spices we use on a daily basis and guess the country these spices come from, to learn how a “genie” from the lamp is created and much more.
Taking its students to the events of this kind, Savremena Gimnazija encourages curiosity and fresh ideas in young people, pointing out that science can be so engaging and easy to grasp, providing we want to understand it.
You can see the photos in the gallery.