All over the country, the week from 4th October through 10th October is celebrated as Children’s Week. This year’s motto are verses by Ljubivoje Ršumovič: “A child is a child, to be loved and understood.”
Savremena’s students spent a considerable part of Children's Week contemplating the prevention of bullying through design and art, while a great portion of the psychology lessons was dedicated to discussing the fight against violence and the ways it can be won.
The students made posters clearly expressing the importance of the prevention of bullying; along with their teacher Tamara Rajinac, the authors of these were Iva Popović, Anđela Todorović, Kai Vainomaa and Isidora Jarić.
At Savremena, students always feel safe and protected
This Children’s Week was another opportunity to remember that children need to be protected and happy, to live in a motivating, healthy and safe environment, where they can realize their maximum potential, and that the way to ensure this is through continual care about the protection, advancement and promotion of children’s rights, with the appropriate involvement of all relevant aspects of society.
Safe and protected at Savremena, the students saw the Children’s Week as an opportunity to make some panels with their art teacher Zorana Milićević, sending a clear message about the fight against bullying, and evoking warmth, friendship and a spirit of togetherness. They discussed bullying and provided mature, responsible conclusions.
They also made their Trust Box, with stickers expressing support and understanding, where they will be delivering their future observations.
See our students’ great posters.