The senior year student of Savremena Gimnazija Nađa Pevac won the first prize at the competition My collage speaks French, organised by the Department of the Romance languages of the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac. Our student’s mentor was her French teacher Aleksandra Pavlović.
On the occasion of the 200 anniversary of Charles Baudelaire’s birth, secondary school students were invited to create collages inspired by poem Albatross. Students were expected to make their works using the collage technique, either by selecting collage software or manually, by pasting fragments on the hard base.
Nađa Pevac’s collage was ranked as the best based on the number of likes given by undergraduates and secondary school students on the Instagram account of the Department of the Romance languages. You can view Nađa’s work here.
This competition has provided me space for development
Competitions and numerous interdisciplinary activities provide fantastic opportunity for developing versatile skills, crucial for each individual’s growth. Thus, this competition My collage speaks French has given me the chance to grow in both, artistic development and approach to a specific topic while understanding deeper emotional and symbolic meaning of literary works. Given that the competition was devoted to famous French poet Charles Boudelaire and his poem Albatross, making the collage proved to be great technique for revealing inner symbolism of this poem and the valuable school for developing further my skills. This competition is one of the most important and most beautiful, educational segments that form my puzzle of valuable experiences, said Nađa Pevac upon receiving her award.