Savremena students demonstrated their skills one more time at the language recital/review/ show held on 8 April as a part of the International Day event, organised by University Singidunum. The team who ranked first at the Best presentation competition organised consisted of the following students: Year 4 – Anastasija Ocokoljić and Lana Laban, Year 3 – Aleksandra Mosurović and Year 2 – Aleksandar Kašerić and Lara Veselinović.
How we protect our environment
In their presentation entitled How we protect our environment, the students pointed out the two huge problems of our capital city: air pollution and waste recycling. Using pictures and comments, the students seized this opportunity to show the way in which Savremena, within its Eco-club, contributes to solving the stated problems through various actions, projects and education. Supported by their mentors, Serbian teacher Zorana Putniković and biology teacher Dijana Šarac, Anastasija and Lana designed an interesting and compelling presentation, whose quality was recognised and awarded.
Presenting a topic in foreign languages
The students who presented parts of their work in foreign languages were also included in the project: Aleksandar Kašerić presented in English, Lara Veselinović in Spanish, and Aleksandra Mosurović in Russian. These students impressed the audience with their language skills as they successfully presented the selected topic in the best possible manner.
Another success of Savremena students
Our students received awards and certificates for first place. We are truly proud of their success, hard work and commitment and wish them success!