The story Ligaments written by Savremena senior students Zvezdana Filipović and Larisa Vasović won first place at the international literary competition for Secondary school students. The competition entitled My original story was announced by a creative organisation Кombinat. Participants were required to write an original short story, not longer than 10 pages, in English.
Winners’ interview
The victorious girls shared their impressions in a short interview.
What motivated you to enter the competition?
Inspiration came from all parts, including school talks and our acquaintances, but the greatest impact came from the books that belong to the genre of fantasy. We read these books in our free time and we’d like to single out works of Tolkien, Roger Zelazny and Terry Pratchett.
How did the writing process develop?
The beginning was the hardest, but when we got to some basic ideas, and realised what way we want the story to develop, it was much easier. We used to write while at school, during the breaks and after the lessons, using the platform Google Meet.
Was it difficult to write in English?
No, Actually, it was easier as we read most books in English.
How do you feel about being the competition winners?
While we were writing, not for a moment did we think of winning a place in the competition. We wrote because what we did was fulfilling and we wanted to see what would happen in the end. Of course, we are glad that we won first place, but that’s just a bonus to the joy we feel as we accomplished something as a result of mutual effort, which makes us really proud.
You can find and read their story at this link.
We hope that this is only the beginning of their professional writing, and that one day we’ll be proud to read Zvezdana’s novel or Lara’s short stories collection!