A group of Savremena Gimnazija students visited on Friday, 20 May the Institution for children and youth Sremčica, as a part of the Parents at Work project. The students of all four years who had expressed the interest to visit Sremčica were led by school psychologists Marija Janićijević and Aleksandra Rakić.
Meeting professionals and learning about their career path
The Parents at Work project enables our students to visit workplaces of our students’ parents, allowing them to meet professionals in different areas, to learn about their career paths and experiences. Thus, our students gain information that can help them decide about the course of their further education.
The Institution for children and youth Sremčica is a social welfare institution which provides accommodation and care for children and youth who are developmentally challenged as well as for adults with intellectual disability and communication difficulties. Marina Vidojević, our student’s parent and the director of the Institution, organised the visit and let us meet the people there, allowing Savremena Gimnazija students to learn how the Institution started, the way it operates and what professions are necessary to make it run smoothly.
New acquaintances bring valuable experience
Our students met the therapists, doctor and special education teachers. Our students met and spent some time with the institution residents, gaining valuable experience. The visit produced strong impressions and our students were grateful as they had had the chance to spend the day at the Institution for children and youth Sremčica and learn about its activities.