Savremena Gimnazija was the host of the first of a series of conferences LINK Educational Alliance Model United Nations (LEA MUN), which was jointly organised together with International School and Information Technology High School – ITHS this weekend 10 – 12 June.
The conference LEA MUN is a simulation of the United Nations sessions for secondary and higher education students who, in the role of delegates of different countries of the world, try to solve the burning global problems from the viewpoint of the countries they represent.
The Secretary General of LEA MUN was Lara Veselinović, Savremena Year 2 student, who demonstrated extraordinary organisational skills in carrying out the whole event. Kai Vainomaa and Anđela Todorović, Savremena senior students, were responsible for social media networks, while their work was assisted a great deal with Ana Bisenić’s creative solutions, in the role of No.1 graphic designer and the student of ITHS.
The delegates had their first session on 10 June, after the ceremony when directors and coordinators LEA MUN were given special recognition, which marked the beginning of the conference.
Young delegates representing different countries discussed the global issues
The students in the role of different countries’ representatives were organised in Committees. The delegates from Spain, France, the USA, Serbia, China, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Turkey, Armenia, Italy, Palestine, Switzerland and many other countries offered their arguments and the views of the countries they represented to the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council and Security Council.
The global topics discussed were relevant to the present and challenging:
- preventing racism and violence;
- improving economic growth and sustainable development in the war and conflict affected regions;
- establishing peace and safety at the global level.
Back to the beginning of the 19th century: the Congress of Vienna simulation
Those brave enough to demonstrate their knowledge of history, represented their countries at this historic committee, at which in the shoes of delegates of the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Portugal, the Austrian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, Bavaria, the Order of Malta, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany they travelled in time back to the beginning of the 19th century to simulate the Congress of Vienna, in order to shape the post-war Europe.
The final outcome of LINK Educational Alliance MUN conference: Ratifying important agreements and resolutions
On Sunday, 12 June 2022, a lot of agreements were reached and a number of resolutions were signed, which was celebrated at the closing LEA MUN conference ceremony when awards were given to the best delegates and event organisation team members.
The conference sponsor was Coca-Cola company, so the refreshments available to students were Rosa water and Next juices thanks to Pavle Vučković, the sponsor coordinator and Savremena Gimnazija senior student.
We specially want to thank the event coordinators, Tamara Lazić Kapollas, Nemanja Đikanović and Marica Đurić, who, on behalf of the schools where they teach, superbly organised this conference. Besides, a three-day-conference was problem-free thanks to Jovana Petrović, a volunteer coordinator and a Year 12 International School student.
We congratulate the best delegates!
We had the opportunity to hear impressive arguments of delegates who demonstrated a vast knowledge, expertise and familiarity with global issues, thus deserving the best delegate awards within their respective committees.
On this occasion we congratulate the best delegates:
- Ana Antić, Sveti Sava Grammar School;
- Nenad Dimitrijević, the 10th Grammar School Mihajlo Pupin;
- Uroš Jež, the Faculty of Philosophy;
- Aleksa Mišić, Deutsche Schule Belgrad.
LINK Edu Alliance creates new leaders
Savremena Gimnazija, International School and ITHS demonstrated to their students in the role of delegates and committee chairpersons that LINK Edu Alliance cherishes talents and shapes young leaders of the future.
Overwhelming positive experiences and inspiring new friendships together with new things learnt during this year’s LEA MUN, make us eagerly wait for the next year and the next phase of this newly established wonderful enterprise.