Savremena Gimnazija students had the chance to visit Prva television on 24 and 25 May as a part of the Parents at Work project.
There they talked to Dejan Pantelić and Danijela Buzurović, TV hosts and journalists, but also editors, technical support and other members of the team.
Our students could see A hundred and fifty minutes programme broadcast live. During the show, a group of our students were in the studio, while the others were in the director’s room. Later they switched places in order to understand broadcasting related work from different perspectives.
We took a peek at each office
Visiting Prva – the first Serbian television has been one of the best experiences so far. My students and I learnt a lot and had a warm welcome , so all of us can’t wait for something similar to happen again. On the television premises, the professionals unselfishly shared a lot of useful information. Dejan Pantelić welcomed us and with his energy, he led us into, to us, that mysterious world. Our students were so excited and they had dozens of questions. Their curiosity and creativity was triggered. We took a peek at every office and brought with us the most delicate impressions of the world behind the camera. We thank Prva editors for enabling us this memorable experience!, said Marina Kuzmanović, the Serbian language and literature teacher and one of the journalist club instructors.
Savremena Gimnazija wishes to express special thanks to Dejan Pantelić who decided to participate in the Parents at Work project and introduce our students to what working in a television studio means.