Participants in the LINK Summer Jobs 2022 project, that is, students of high schools of LINK edu Alliance – Savremena Gimnazija, International School and Information Technology High School – ITHS, who gained their first work experience in LINKgroup during the summer, joined the group president Prof. Dr Valentin Kuleto at a meeting dedicated to their experiences gained during the project.
Youthful curiosity and healthy ambition triggered the energy of their older colleagues
In a pleasant meeting with the group president and the members of his Cabinet, colleagues from the project talked about their impressions of getting to know the business segments of LINK and how important for them are these impressions and experiences they gained from work. All project participants expressed their desire to return to the now familiar environment next year during the summer vacation, emphasising that the most important thing was that they had the chance to try out doing actual tasks, became acquainted with HR processes, received guidance in choosing their future career, met new colleagues, broadened their horizons and felt financial security.
Professor Kuleto pointed out that students, that is, colleagues from the LINK Summer Jobs 2022 project, contributed to the implementation of important tasks, projects, and ongoing activities with their work, and during a short period left a visible mark on the business of LINKgroup. Their youthful curiosity and healthy ambition triggered the energy of their older colleagues and brought a new, positive spirit into the system.
A valuable exchange of experience
The meeting was designed and held in order for LINKgroup to look at its business from the perspective of young people for whom this was their first work experience, and through gaining new insights, introduce novelties into its work, and that was valuable both for the students who received useful advice from the group president, as well as for LINKgroup which received confirmation of the quality of its processes and approach to education within the LINK edu Alliance K–12 schools. We look forward to future meetings with our students and new, great opportunities so that we can continue learning from each other.