Savremena Gimnazija’s graduate Uroš Tirnanić won first place for the third time in a row at the literary competition "Leto bez brige, provedi kraj knjige", and third place at the competition "Dosta su svetu jedne Šumarice" for 2022.
School is not only a place where knowledge is passed on, but it is also where we are trained for lifelong learning
For the last three years, I have participated in the competition "Leto bez brige, provedi kraj knjige", organised by the Serbian Association of School Librarians, and I won first place all three times. This year, the topic was related to school libraries and the importance of school librarians. I tried to emphasise that the library is not only a place where we take books from various authors but also a multimedia centre that is equipped with books and information from all school subjects, an indispensable segment for permanent learning and developing critical thinking because school is not only a place where knowledge is passed on but it also a place where we are trained for lifelong learning, says Uroš Tirnanić.
History has always been conveyed and people's awareness raised through poems
At the traditional contest, "Dosta su svetu jedne Šumarice", in which 31 secondary schools from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina participated, on the given topic "Oni suzu ne traže. Oni reč traže", I won third place. As a poet, I felt the responsibility to most sincerely convey through poetry the history of the killing of three thousand people in Šumarice in October 1941, because history has always been conveyed and people's awareness raised through poems. History written in verse is easier to memorise and remember for a long time, adds Uroš.
Uros once again surprised us with the maturity of his works
Uroš Tirnanić is a student from whom now, after so many awards, we expect a new one and we are not surprised when he wins it. However, what always surprises us is what he wrote, the way he handled the subject and the maturity with which he approached it. While reading his works, I thought how worthy they were of a collection that would unite them, so I decided to create a blog and put them all in one place, said Marina Kuzmanović, Uroš’s Serbian language and literature professor.