On 26 September 2024, the National Conference of the Micr@s Project was organised. The conference took place at Savremena Gimnazija, aiming to share and present the final results of the project to a target group consisting of students aged 12–18, secondary school teachers, school principals, and local actors in the field of higher education.
The Micr@s Project aims to encourage students to develop business skills, with a special focus on entrepreneurship and innovation. Through this project, students had the opportunity to create their own business plans and participate in competitions, which provided them with essential skills for a successful career.
Key speakers at the Micr@s conference
The conference featured several key experts from the fields of education and entrepreneurship:
- Marija Milić, project coordinator for LINK group in Serbia;
- Zoran Grubišić, professor at Belgrade Banking Academy;
- Marko Nikolić, teacher at International School;
- Tatjana Viček, principal of International School;
- Tatjana Koluvija, principal of Savremena Gimnazija.
One of the most exciting segments of the conference was the presentation of the best student business plans, created during the external pilot phase of testing. In addition, awards were given to the students who stood out at the national level in the Micr@s Community Start-Up Competition.
Interactive voting and entrepreneurship skills
Using the Mentimeter app, the audience had the chance to vote interactively for the best business plans, further motivating participation and interest in the competition. The guest speaker from Belgrade Banking Academy highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship competitions and the skills students gain through these projects.
At the conclusion of the conference, the winners of the National Final Conference were announced, and students who secured first and second places were awarded certificates in recognition of their efforts and innovation.
The importance of safe online shopping for students
As part of the educational segment of the conference, students had the opportunity to learn about safe online shopping and how to protect themselves in the online environment—essential skills for navigating the modern world of business and technology.